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I hereby acknowledge to Fight2Fitness and its affiliates that I am physically capable of and there is no medical reason to prevent me from participating in the Fight2Fitness program. I state that I have had a recent physical check up and I have my personal physician’s permission to engage in rigorous exercise. Fight2Fitness relies on the above warranties in allowing me to partake in the Fight2Fitness program. I acknowledge that whilst participating in the Fight2Fitness program, my person and my property are at risk. Fight2Fitness is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend class. I understand that classes at Fight2Fitness participating studios are physically strenuous and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representative will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Fight2Fitness, its affiliates or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, weather caused by negligence or otherwise. I hereby fully and forever release and discharge Fight2Fitness its assigns and agents from all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, present and future therein.


The information provided by Fight2Fitness and its affiliates is not intended to treat or cure any disease or to any specific diagnosis to any individual. The material offered at Fight2Fitness and its affiliates is made available with the understanding that Fight2Fitness is not engaged in providing professional advice. The information provided at Fight2Fitness and its affiliates is offered as-is and without warranty. I assume all risks from using the information provided by Fight2Fitness and its affiliates. Fight2Fitness disclaims any and all liability from the use of the information provided and all information, including health, medical, psychological or other- is not intended as a replacement for professional consultations with qualified practitioners. Fight2Fitness and its affiliates strive to provide useful diet tools, diet articles for motivation, and healthy recopies; we also share weight loss success stories. In no way imaginable should Fight2Fitness be considered as a substitution for the services of a physician, a health provider, or any trained health professional. Information provided is for informational use only. Fight2Fitness’s policy does not allow medical or psychological advice of any kind. These concerns should be addressed and discussed with your physician or health care provider.


I hereby acknowledge Fight2Fitness’s cancellation policy and I will book only those classes that I am fully committed to attending. I will provide a minimum of 24 hours notice in the event that I must cancel a class. If I fail to attend a class and I have not canceled 24 hours in advance using the Fight2Fitness Scheduler on two separate occasions, I agree to pay $20 to Fight2Fitness or to its affiliates in penalty fees and/or have my class privileges revoked.


I hereby acknowledge that if I purchased classes at a regular price, I am entitled to a refund for any unused classes, minus the $50 cancellation fee. I hereby acknowledge that I am not entitled to a refund if I purchased classes at a discounted rate.