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Cacao Ceremony
Apr 4, 2025 - Apr 4, 2025

Join us for a magical evening of connection centered around cacao. Immerse yourself in the uplifting warmth of community as we gather to honor the spirit of this ancient medicine through meditation, journaling and heartfelt conversation. This is a wonderful opportunity for deep relaxation, self reflection, and alignment, as we collectively experience the heart-opening power of this sacred plant.

For those attending our full weekend immersion, this event will serve as the kick-off to our deeper journey together!

Light, healthy, snacks will be provided after the ceremony. 

Cost: $45 in advance // $65 at the door

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Apr 4, 2025
6:30pm - 8:30pm CDT
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Enroll Early $65.00
1 Session
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Plant Medicine Ceremony
Apr 5, 2025 - Apr 5, 2025
Gather in community on Saturday, April 5th for an evening of connection, intention, and spiritual awakening. Our sacred medicine ceremony will be held at a unique local private residence, led by Ricardo Yellow Bird, and supported by a network of loving beings.
When we gather in circle we are united, regardless of our differences, creating a safe and supportive container for personal and collective growth. This is a time for us to slow down, reflect, and connect more deeply to universal source energy and the metaphysical world. Each person will receive a macro dose of locally sourced, sacred mushroom medicine to help them journey deeper into their heart, spirit and mind. The experience will be supported throughout with heart-opening cacao and the anchoring structure of ritual tradition.
Following the ceremony, we will share a beautiful communal meal together to help nourish and ground us back into our bodies.
Ricardo Yellowbird is a yogi, Qigong master, and Staff Holder in the Mayan Toltec tradition, who has traveled from Southern California to serve as our spiritual guide and ceremony leader. As a medicine man and community elder, he helps people return to the fire through the ritual of ceremony, in order to remember our truest Self and understand our higher purpose. We’re honored to journey with him this April.
Saturday's flow:
  • Arrive at our West Loop location between 5:30-6:30pm. Address to be sent at sign-up
  • Ceremony begins at 7pm. Please try to arrive at least 15 minutes early to get yourself settled into our journey space
  • Ceremony ends somewhere around midnight or later– journeying operates on cosmic time, so flexibility is required
  • We close our time together with a nourishing community meal that will accommodate a full range of dietary restrictions
  • There’s no rush to leave. Linger as long as you desire. Please plan to travel home via rideshare to ensure safety
  • We highly recommend you operate without plans on Sunday to allow for rest, reflection and integration
Space is limited to 20 people.
Sign-up details:
  • Contribute $222 to reserve a spot (opportunities for sliding scale as needed)
  • Payment can be sent through any of these options
  • An intake form will be sent out for first time attendees.
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Apr 5, 2025
6:30pm - 12:30am CDT
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1 Session
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Water Ceremony
Apr 7, 2025 - Apr 7, 2025
Join us on Sunday April 6th as we honor the the elements and celebrate the beauty of our great Lake Michigan, through a water ceremony guided by Toltec spiritual leader, Ricardo Yellowbird, and followed by a lakeside sauna and cold plunge.
Through this sacred community ritual we'll first connect to the spirit of the water through meditation–aligning with its sacred teachings. Next, we'll expand our reverence for water and our own mental, physical, and spiritual strength with community cold plunge, finish up with a lakeside sauna, laughter and prayer.
Ricardo Yellowbird is a yogi, Qigong master, and Staff Holder in the Mayan Toltec tradition, who has traveled from Southern California to serve as our spiritual guide and ceremony leader. As a medicine man and community elder, he helps people return to the fire through the ritual of ceremony, in order to remember our truest Self and understand our higher purpose. We’re honored to journey with him this April.
Space is limited to 10 people. Weather conditions could affect the agenda for those event. Please come prepared to experience the wild unpredictability of nature.
Tea and fruit will be served. Please bring snacks, a towel and a change of clothes.
$45 in advance / $55 day of
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Apr 7, 2025
6:00pm - 8:30pm CDT
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Enroll Early $55.00
1 Session
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Fire Ceremony
Apr 8, 2025 - Apr 8, 2025
Join us on Tuesday, April 8th as we honor the power of the elements with a Mayan fire ceremony, guided by Toltec spiritual leader, Ricardo Yellowbird.
Through this sacred community ritual you'll learn which combination of the 20 energetic signs, and 13 tones of the Mayan calendar corresponds with the day you were born; and together we'll connect to the spirit of the fire–aligning with its teachings to further understand our truest potential.
To deepen the spiritual expansion, you'll also have the option to microdose locally sourced mushroom medicine, and to enjoy the heart-opening support of sacred cacao.
Following the ceremony, we will share a light meal together, discuss some of the sacred symbolism and stories underlying this native tradition, and reflect on the experience as a community.
Ricardo Yellowbird is a yogi, Qigong master, and Staff Holder in the Mayan Toltec tradition, who has traveled from Southern California to serve as our spiritual guide and ceremony leader. As a medicine man and community elder, he helps people return to the fire through the ritual of ceremony, in order to remember our truest Self and understand our higher purpose. We’re honored to journey with him this April.
The location is weather permitting. Details will be shared upon signing up.
Space is limited to 20 people
Cost: $75 in advance // $85 day of
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Apr 8, 2025
6:00pm - 9:00pm CDT
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Enroll Early $85.00
1 Session
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Apr 19, 2025 - Apr 19, 2025

Join us for an evening of intentional inhales and enlightening exhales as we combine yoga with cannabis.

Rooted in the indigenous traditions, this special class will provide a safe space for you to explore the expansive qualities this sacred herb has to offer. We will utilize this powerful plant medicine to elevate our yoga practice accessing greater connection of the mind, body and spirit.

The cannbiss will be provided by Kanha, an uplifting wellness brand. After enjoying an edible and cacao with our community, we will flow through a well balanced yoga practice, leaving time at beginning and end to socialize and integrate our experiences.

This class takes place at Ina, Wellness Spa in River North. Stay after class to enjoy a relaxing sauna, shower or snacks in their inviting socializing space.

Cost: $55 in advance // $75 day of

Location: 308 W. Erie, Suite 100

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Apr 19, 2025
7:00am - 10:00am CDT
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Enroll Early $75.00
1 Session
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