What is Somatic Breathwork? “Soma” means “of the body” and explains the full experience of what it means to be human. We are more than our physical bodies; we have a spiritual aspect, a mental aspect, and an emotional aspect. Breathwork gives you the opportunity to tune into the innate intelligence that is moving through you, and dig up unconscious traumas, fear, and stress in order to clear it out. This method of breathwork helps you release unneeded energy in your body’s nervous system, “fight or flight”, which may have caused physical pain, unwanted thoughts and feelings, and old stories or behaviors. By allowing this unneeded energy to come up and move through you, you are able to clear it out and come back into a more regulated state “rest and digest”.
Somatic Breathwork uses a circular breath pattern with rhythmic music to produce a heightened state which will cause an emotional release in the body. Emotional releases include moving, shaking, yawning, yelling, crying, or laughing. Using the breath helps you get rid of your armor in order to release blockages or any old pains that are holding you back from who you are and how you want to show up in the world.
The class is 1.5 hours long with an additional 15 minutes at the end of class for questions. Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle, an eye cover, and a journal for inspired writing afterward. It is advised not to eat two hours prior.
Chandler Jerrico Facilitator Bio: is a certified Somatic Release Breathwork facilitator, business strategist, and transformational retreat leader with over seven years of experience guiding individuals and groups through deep personal breakthroughs. He has hosted over 250 events across the U.S. and internationally, working with thousands of participants.