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SPECIAL EVENT: EFT (tapping) for Stress Management
Apr 5, 2025 - Apr 5, 2025

Facilitated by Aviva Chansky Guttmann, LMSW, CIRT, ACP-EFT

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as tapping, offer an easily available method of self care and self soothing based on Eastern methods of energy healing. Tapping involves gentle self administered finger tapping of meridian points along our bodies. It is a non-invasive method of calming the nervous system. Some liken it to “ emotional acupuncture” ( without the needles ).

We live in a fast-paced and stressful society which is perpetuated and reinforced by social media’s frenetic presence in our lives. Our nervous systems attempt to match this constant state of readiness and alert but as a result we often feel depleted and lacking emotional and energetic reserves. We are not designed to remain in this high activation state as often as the world encourages it.

Aviva will lead an interactive and informative workshop showing participants how to self administer tapping, teaching about the meridian points, offering some background and history of EFT, and will provide resource handouts for participants to take home.

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Apr 5, 2025
2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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