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SPECIAL EVENT Mat to Page: A Space for Exploration and Acceptance
Apr 27, 2025 - Apr 27, 2025

Join Clare and Kathy for an afternoon of yoga, mindfulness and writing. Quiet the mind, listen to the body and tap into your authentic, creative voice, discovering stories along the way. Gather in a supportive and celebratory community, and empower the parts of yourself that are ripe for exploration and care.

The afternoon will include:
- Gentle Slow Flow, Open LevelYoga and Mindfulness practice
- Prompt-driven writing exercises
- A brief introduction to the neuroscience of creativity
- Strategies for creating a regular creative practice, a road map of sorts, that can help offer everyday clarity, acceptance and authenticity, on the mat and the page
- Reflective time to consider how the meeting of the body and mind can open the heart

NOTE: This class is for students of all levels, in both yoga and writing spaces.

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Apr 27, 2025
2:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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