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The Yoga Place & Yoga Central

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Ayurveda, the "Science of Life"
Oct 11, 2025 - Oct 11, 2025

Ayur means life in Sanskrit, and Veda means “science." So, Ayurveda is Yoga's sister science of life. Like Yoga, Ayurveda provides a framework for tending to the physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies, and for living a healthy lifestyle in alignment with nature.

In other words, Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic healing that focuses on improving digestion and correcting imbalances to live a life of ease (rather than dis-ease). It can compliment Western medicine, work with other modalities, or work alone.

Join this introductory workshop to learn about the three doshas, or Ayurvedic mind-body types, and discover your unique constitution. Then we will discuss five Ayurvedic practices that kindle the digestive fire and reduce toxic residue within the body. You will receive several handouts to integrate this information.

Then, we will enjoy lunch together homemade from scratch by Paisley. We will get to try kitchari, a healing Ayurvedic staple dish and complete protein.

$50 per person, Free for YTT students.

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Oct 11, 2025
1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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