Full moons offer an opportunity to let go of what we no longer need and circles are spaces to listen to our heart’s song in a beloved community. After we cast a sacred circle, move, meditate and let go, Charlie Adinolfi will bless us with a beautiful sound bath to help make space for new moon wonders.
Mati opens the doors at 6:30 for food & fellowship.
Circle starts 7pm.
Living in Season: An introduction to Ayurveda-Yoga. Called
sister sciences, these
two ancient lineages from India offer us techniques and practices
to live fully in the
times we inhabit with a greater sense of ease and resilience. The
beauty of these
sciences is that practices are dependent on the unique space each
human being
finds themselves in, the cycles and seasons of our lives and the
cycles and seasons
of the natural world. This workshop introduces the Ayurvedic
concepts of
Elements, Doshas and Gunas. Participants can try warming beverages
experiment with a few of the practices for self-care this approach
to Ayurveda and
Yoga offers.
The sounds of the gongs and singing bowls facilitate the movement of energy through the body, inviting a meditative space and an opportunity for increased vitality, healing, expanded awareness and higher consciousness. The experience may be different for each person.It is our intention to create and hold a clear and safe space for all to enjoy.
Explore practices from the ancient traditions of Ayurveda and
Yoga for support
during the winter season. Taste warm and nourishing foods and
beverages and
learn winter-time self-care techniques from Ayurveda. Practice Yoga
postures and
breathing techniques for nourishment, warmth, grounding and