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Inner Bliss Yoga
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Usui Reiki Level 1 Training
Oct 12, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024

Reiki is a Japanese healing art that uses Universal Life Force energy (chi,
ki, shakti, mana) to facilitate well-being on all levels of the Self: physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual. Reiki reduces stress, promotes healing,
and is natural and safe. It also helps heal the emotional and psychological
components of disease and creates peace of mind.

In your Usui Reiki Level 1 training, you will be introduced to the history and
main principles of Reiki. You will learn the basic hand positions for
treatment and have the opportunity to practice using Reiki on yourself and
others during the training.

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Oct 12, 2024
9:00am - 3:00pm EDT
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Belly Dance 7 Week Series
Oct 12, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024

This class is designed for the first-time student, or those with some belly dance experience who are interested in returning to the dance. Habiba will guide you through technique essential to the dance. Glide across the floor with elegance as you frame your body with beautiful hand and arm movements; learn shimmies both soft and powerful; hypnotic movements of the hips such as figure eights, and undulations. Set to the exciting rhythms of North Africa and the Middle East, students will learn a fun choreography incorporating these techniques. Belly dancing is a great low-impact workout, suitable for all sizes and ages. Classes are uplifting and fun!



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Oct 12, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024
12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
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7 Sessions
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Autumn Celebration Sound Bath
Oct 12, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
4:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
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Autumn Celebration Sound Bath
Oct 12, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
5:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
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A Restorative Yoga Immersion
Oct 19, 2024 - Oct 19, 2024
Take a moment for yourself and surrender to the splendor of a truly restorative yoga experience. From the moment you walk in the door, you will be deeply cared for. Enjoy the restful and rejuvenating benefits of restorative yoga as you are lovingly placed into a few fully-supported simple postures. Through the use of blankets, bolsters and other props, you will come into stillness and ease. Embark on an inward journey and allow yourself to just be. As the tension dissolves and the sweetness comes forth, you will experience a deep sense of well-being that will stay with you long after you leave the mat.
No yoga experience is necessary to benefit from this beautiful practice, just the ability to get down to and up from a mat on the floor. We’ll do the rest.
Facilitators: Karen Radley
Class size is limited to just 4 participants; preregistration and payment in advance is required.
Wellness investment: $65
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Oct 19, 2024
2:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
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