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Relaxing & Recharging Equinox Sound Bath
Mar 22, 2025 - Mar 22, 2025
Begin the spring season with a Relaxing & Recharging Sound Healing Meditation that will bring greater flow & balance to your Body-Mind-Spirit!

This Sound Healing Experience Features:
to clear energetic stagnation and blockages, and to ground
for relaxation and purification
for grounding and healing
for deep, molecular healing
for peace and tranquility
for cleansing the auric field and opening to higher vibrational energies
to leave you feeling both grounded and full of light!
Lay back and relax to this a sound healing experience, letting yourself bathe in these soothing vibrations and receive this higher vibrational flow within your Body-Mind-Spirit!
In the beginning and end of this sound bath, some instruments will played around and over you by my partner Jacob Cordova - who joins me often - deepening this healing experience, while I play the other instruments at the front of the room.
As her sole profession for 2 decades, Nicole Alcyon has combined her skills as a Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer – with over a dozen Singing Crystal Bowls, a chakra set of Tibetan bowls, 7 Gongs and other sound healing instruments – and her expertise on Chakra Cleansing/Balancing to create a unique and highly potent approach to therapeutic group sound healing sessions. These are channeled guided meditations/sessions from her Higher Self and the Divine that she brings forth. The intention for these high vibrational Hypno-Chakra and/or Sound Healing Sessions is to provide the opportunity to strengthen our connection and alignment to our Higher Self!
Nicole graduated from her year-long Hypnotherapy program in 2004, and received very clear guidance to purchase a chakra set of the singing crystal bowls that same year. Upon playing her set for the first time, the idea of Hypno-Chakra Therapy was instantly downloaded in the mind and birthed into existence!
She has been facilitating private and group sessions & courses since 2004, and as an accomplished facilitator, she recognizes the importance of a sacred and energetically clean/safe place to release and integrate.
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Mar 22, 2025
7:30pm - 9:00pm PDT
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1 Session
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