During this class we will explore gentle movements from Taiji and Qigong that increase vitality and longevity. Participants often notice improvements in balance, circulation, and sleep as well as decreased stress and anxiety. Participants will wear loose, comfortable clothing and practice from a standing position with an option for seated practice based on comfort and preference. Show up with a willingness to try new things, or perhaps a desire to continue arts you’ve already explored. No experience necessary.
Amara Franko is a licensed acupuncturist and certified instructor
of Chinese Martial Arts who has been teaching and practicing
Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts for over 20 years. After dabbling
in martial arts throughout her youth, she began serious practice
with North American Tang Shou Tao Association in 1998 and currently
serves on the board of directors of this non-profit organization.
She enjoys empowering people of all ages and capabilities to
improve their lives through safe and attainable movement