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Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Dec 7, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024

In the context of this course we will be studying the science of the nervous system as well as traditional wisdom and many different postures in different variations. We will be exploring the nuance and complexities of creating safer spaces for ourselves and others and creating a platform for deep experiences in the postures, beginning with ourselves.

This is a complete Restorative Certification for yoga teachers. This training is also open to everyone and many people from all walks of life attend this training.

What's included in the cost of training:

- 30-Hours of In-person instruction over 2 weekends December 7+8, Dec 21


- Basics of Restorative Yoga

- Understanding the Nervous System: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic.

- How restorative Yoga Affects the Nervous System.

There is a final project that will complete the certification process.

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Dec 7, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024
Sat, Sun
12:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
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3 Sessions
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