Mandala means literally “that which extracts the essence.” There are nmany types of mandalas used by the Tibetan Buddhists. They can be created in either of two or three dimensions. The ones on the monks tour will be two dimensional sand mandalas. These are without a doubt the most creative, labor and concentration-intensive of all mandalas created.
Each sand mandala represents the architectural layout of the entire celestial palace of a specific deity. The menla mandala represents the dwelling of the Medicine Buddha, who embodies the perfection of the physical and mental health of all beings.
The sand is applied very precisely by the gentle rubbling of sand-filled metal cone. The Master must be the first to initiate the mandala, and does so by placing the first drops of sand.
Upon completion of the sand mandala, the monks will purposely disolve the magnificent work of art. the Buddha's last words were “All things are impermenant, work out your salvation with diligence.” In upholding the principle that all phenomena is transient, the monks sweep up the mandala and place the sand in a river, lake or ocean to purify the surrounding environment.