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I Love My Spine II
May 17, 2025 - May 17, 2025

Welcome to I Love My Spine II!

Join Frankie for a fun and informative yoga session introducing you to a new found love and appreciation for your spine. Unlock the secret to natural spinal movement now.

Students who attended I Love My Spine workshop were very enthusiastic about continuing to explore the intricate movement and anatomy of the spine. So in this new workshop Frankie will review the material covered and apply it to a series of foundational yoga poses such as Triangle, Bridge and our beloved upward and downward facing Dogs.

No worries if you were not at the first workshop. This workshop will revist the anatomical principles and the micromovement that was covered then. If you did attend, it will be very enjoyable to return to because your nervous system will have more time to relax and embody the material.

Anatomy geeks will love Frankie's details, yoga teachers will enjoy her adjustments and demonstrations. Everyone can increase their strength & flexibility.

Move with ease & confidence! Students of all levels are welcome!

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May 17, 2025
1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $55.00
1 Session
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