*DESCRIPTION: This class is for youth ages 10-14 as an introduction to our aerial silks classes. This class will help you gain flexibility, build strength and learn all the basics of the cirque style discipline of Aerial Silks - 7-8 week session!
PRE-REQUISITES: No previous requirements, however; it is recommended you have an aerial, dance, gymnastic or general fitness experience. Aerial silks are more challenging than aerial hammocks.

DESCRIPTION: This class is for kids ages 10-14, it is the Advanced level of our youth silks classes. This class will help you gain flexibility, build strength and learn all the basics of the cirque style discipline of Aerial Silks - 7-8 week session!
PRE-REQUISITES: Must have completed assessment from the instructor stating your child is ready for the advanced silks class

DESCRIPTION: This class is for kids ages 10-14, it is the second level of our youth silks classes. This class will help you gain flexibility, build strength and learn all the basics of the cirque style discipline of Aerial Silks - 7-8 week session!
PRE-REQUISITES: Need to have completed our silks youth beginner class, OR have approval from instructor to join this class.

DESCRIPTION: In the second level of this program, we will be working on aerial footlocks and more advanced variations of what you learned in the fundamentals course - Aerial Silks - 7-8 week session!
PRE-REQUISITES: Silks-Fundamentals
PLEASE NOTE - **THIS IS A 7-8 WEEK SESSION** - If you are joining, you are committing to maintain a membership for the duration of the course (minimum of 2 months) as we will be holding a spot specifically for you!

DESCRIPTION: RRebel Circus is our ADVANCED Class - Aerial Silks 7-8 week session!
PRE-REQUISITES: To join; you must have completed our Silks-Intermediate class and be able to do an aerial invert climb and egg-beater foot locks
PLEASE NOTE - **THIS IS A 7-8 WEEK SESSION** - By enrolling, you are committing to maintain a membership for the duration of the course (minimum of 2 months) as we will be holding a spot specifically for you!