DESCRIPTION: For all fitness levels <3 Our beginner aerial hammocks session will bring you through the foundations of conditioning, stretching & posing in the hammock.
PRE-REQUISITES: None! No fitness/flexibility level or experience are required to join this class

DESCRIPTION: Our Advanced fabrics class is perfect for anyone who has completed our intermediate levels and looking for the next step up!
Hammock; 7-8 week session
PRE-REQUISITES: Intermediate-2 Hammock and the ability to do an aerial invert
PLEASE NOTE - **THIS IS A 7-8 WEEK SESSION** - By enrolling, you are committing to maintain a membership for the duration of the course (minimum of 2 months) as we will be holding a spot specifically for you!

DESCRIPTION: Continue your aerial journey by continuing more complicated poses that will build your strength and flexibility! Hammock; 7-8 week session
PRE-REQUISITES: Beginner aerial hammock OR If you can successfully get in and out of a diaper wrap!