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Rogue Valley Yoga
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Teacher Training Part 1: The Yoga Intensive
Feb 21, 2025 - May 11, 2025

Students must submit an application with a $300 deposit. The deposit will be applied to your tuition. Deposit will be refunded if the application is not excepted.

Part One: The Yoga Intensive

The Rogue Valley Yoga Intensive is designed to deepen one’s yoga practice far beyond regular studio classes. The program thoroughly examines asana alignment, pranayama technique, sequencing and arc of the vinyasa practice. In addition to the physical practice, the Yoga Intensive explores the history of Yoga, yogic philosophy, mythology and the energetic body. Students will be given tools to increase their knowledge base of the yoga practice, communicate instructions clearly and hold space for others in the class room. Homework assignments are given throughout the Yoga intensive and are part of the graduation requirement.

Topics that are covered in the Yoga Intensive are:

  • Yoga as an 8 limbed practice

  • Anatomy & Physiology

  • Surya Namaskar technique

  • Asana Alignment and Lines of Energy

  • Pranayama and Meditation Techniques

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Classical and Post Classical Yoga

  • Energetic Body and the Chakra System Theory

  • Philosophy & Ethics

  • Ayurveda and the Yogic lifestyle

  • Mythology

  • Intro to Sanskrit

  • The meaning of Aum and the authentic voice

  • Intro to sequencing

  • Intro to verbal instructions and cues

  • Yoga at different stages of life

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Feb 21, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Feb 22, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Feb 23, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Feb 28, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Mar 1, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Mar 2, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Mar 14, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Mar 15, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Mar 16, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Mar 21, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Mar 22, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Mar 23, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 4, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Apr 5, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 6, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 11, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Apr 12, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 13, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 25, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
Apr 26, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
Apr 27, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
May 2, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
May 3, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
May 4, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
May 9, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
May 10, 2025
11:30am - 5:00pm PDT
May 11, 2025
12:00pm - 5:00pm PDT
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27 Sessions
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Teacher Training Part 2: Art of Effective Teaching
May 23, 2025 - Jun 8, 2025

Students must first submit an application and be accepted into Part One: Then Yoga Intensive before signing up for part 2: The Art of Effective Teaching. Application for part 1 can be found here:

May 23 - May 24

May 30 - June 1

June 6 - June 8

Fridays: 5:30pm - 8:30pm, Saturdays & Sundays 8:30am - 5pm

Part Two: The Art of Effective Teaching

Student who complete the Yoga Intensive are qualified to continue to the second portion of the training to complete their Sol Yoga Teacher Training. The second portion of the program is a 3 weekend course that hones the student’s teaching skills. In addition to the 3 weekends, student will participate in a 2-3 week mentorship, assisting a senior RVY instructor during a regularly scheduled class.

The intention is to prepare the student to teach yoga to the general population. Students explore the intricacies of sequencing and verbal instructions. They will fine tune their authentic teaching voice and have ample opportunities to practice teaching their peers. The second portion also instructs students how to safely and gracefully apply physical adjustments and modifications in their classes. In addition to the classroom hours, students must complete all homework assignments, teach two SSY public donation classes, create a recorded class (which they can use on their own platform), complete 5 elective hours, present a final presentation & final exam to complete the program.

Topics that are covered in this segment:

  • The Art of Sequencing & Pacing Vinyasa Flow

  • Clarity of Communication and Vocal Authority

  • Verbal Instructions and Cues

  • Sanskrit

  • Seeing bodies

  • Modifying the Vinyasa class for beginners & injuries

  • Pre/postnatal Yoga

  • Practice teaching

  • Physical Adjustments

  • Teaching private yoga sessions

  • The business of yoga

Unique to the SYTT, one of the requirements for graduation of the 200-hour program is that the student will teach 2 public donation classes on Tuesdays at 6pm @TheDome Location. Students are also required to continue a regular yoga practice outside of teacher training and are given a free yoga pass for the duration of the teacher training.

For the 5 elective hours, students may:

  • Teach extra donation classes

  • Take any SSY workshop outside of teacher training at a TT discounted rate or any approved outside workshop.

  • Donate their teachings at any of local schools or communities who participate in a yoga program

  • Take any approved yoga retreat

  • Create an online donation class (upon approval, may be uploaded to the SSY online donation center)

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May 23, 2025 - Jun 8, 2025
Sat, Sun
8:30am - 5:30pm PDT
May 23, 2025 - Jun 7, 2025
5:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
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9 Sessions
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