Ayurveda 101 with Kaylin Devi Rose
10.5 CEUs or included in the 300 hour YTT
Saturdays April 5 & 26
12:30 - 5:30 pm
Course Description:
Ayurveda 101 will cover the main principles of Ayurveda over 10.5 hours. This course will include, but is not limited to sharing the Ayurvedic definition of health, the 3 Maha Gunas/3 Great Qualities, Pancha Mahabhuta theory/the 5 great elements, the 3 Doshas, the 20 Gunas/Attributes, Prakti and Vikriti.
Course Objectives:
- Students will learn a brief history of Ayurveda.
- Students will understand the 3 Guiding Principles of this ancient science.
- Students will learn the Ayurvedic definition of health in Sanskrit and English.
- Students will understand and be able to identify examples of the 3 Maha Gunas/3 Great Qualities..
- Students will learn Pancha Mahabhuta/5 Great Element theory and be able to apply that in daily life.
- Students will learn the 3 Doshas and how determine their primary based on their characteristics.
- Students will learn the 20 qualities and how they impact the elements and doshas.
- Students will understand Prakrit and Vikriti.
- Students will apply gained knowledge in order to create a
balancing Yoga practice for their primary Dosha.
Required Text (included): Each participant will be given a manual
$250 or included in the 300 YTT
The Yoga of Voice with Kaylin Devi Rose
15 CEUs
Saturdays May 3 & 17, June 7
15 CEUs or Core Curriculum for the Aligned Flowr® 300 hour YTT
at Prana Yoga Center- Denville, NJ
In this module, teachers will learn how to find and use their authentic voice in teaching and the world as well as practice chanting to refine the quality of their voice.
We will discuss the origins of some of the most cherished bija and shanti mantras.
Teachers will feel more confident and able to speak, teach, and share from a place of deep authenticity.
Required Text: Each participant will be given a manual
$375 or included in the 300 YTT