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International Pole Convention (PoleCon)
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Shaina Cruea, Pole Performance Evolution Intensive (All Levels)
May 28, 2025 - May 28, 2025

From Notion to Motion - Pole Performance Evolution: A Step-by-Step Process to go from Idea Seedling to Successful Performance

Do you have an idea for a pole piece? Let’s get it to the performance finish line. This 8hr workshop intensive will take your seed of inspiration through a comprehensive step-by-step process to creating a cohesive piece you can perform with confidence and pride. From concept, music, costume, stage elements, choreography, composition, and beyond, we will use tried-and-true tools and exercises to create, perform, and celebrate your dream pole piece! This process does not cater to a specific style or level, it can be utilized at any level of technique or performance experience. Participants will learn to unlock their creativity and deepen composition skills, enhancing artistry for the long term.

Level: Beginner - Advanced

Requirements: must have taken at least one pole dance class

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May 28, 2025
10:00am - 6:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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