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Women's Elements Circles 2024
Oct 20, 2024 - Oct 20, 2024


Our Women’s Circle is a sacred space for women to come together. To take time away for ourselves and honour what it means to be female and supported by incredibly strong, insightful and sensitive women with a unique life experience and perspective…just like you.

Specially crafted Women’s Circles over five mindfully elemental and seasonally aligned Sundays throughout 2024.

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. The elements come together as I seek togetherness.”

Are you inexplicably drawn to a fire, the ocean, the land & trees or do you feel most alive with the wind in your hair or a mixture of all of these? Or maybe you haven’t ever noticed…In 2024 our women’s circles come into elemental alignment. Join for the journey or just one…as we cultivate our relationships with the elemental energies and nurture our connection with ourselves and each other.

Nowadays, we are sadly all too often disconnected from the natural world around us. So to slow down, connect with and acknowledge a particular element with a ritual gathering like a women’s circle, helps us remember we belong to a larger web of life. Like the Moon, the elements are all around us, do not divide us as they are present in all forms and life forces and are a unifying energy for women everywhere!

JOIN US FOR THE CIRCLE SERIES (or single Circles as you feel called)

FIRE Sun 25 FEB 5-7pm
Transformation * Action * Expansion * Growth * Purification * Movement * Change * Celebrating

WATER Sun 05 MAY 5-7pm
Emotions * Surrender * Release * Compassion * Ancestors * Cleansing * Healing * Flowing

EARTH Sun 18 AUG 5-7pm
Grounding * Nurturing * Clarity * Wisdom * Gratitude * Death & Rebirth * Honouring Elders * Rest

AIR Sun 20 OCT 5-7pm
New Beginnings * Inspiration * Clarity * Adventure * Dreams * Risk * The Mind * Messages * Visioning

SPIRIT Sun 01 DEC 5-7pm
Universal Love * Seen and Unseen * Within and Beyond Us * Timeless Oneness * Connection

Nourished Yoga, 31 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills, NSW Australia

$270.00 FOR THE CIRCLE SERIES BUNDLE (5 in person circles and COMPLIMENTARY UNLIMITED access to all our online signature circles; total value: $395.00)


Our circle is kept small to ensure an intimate experience.

All of you are welcome here. What is said in Circle, stays in Circle. We trust that each of us are capable in our own right. We will listen with curiosity. We will not fix or judge.


“Today I am feeling strong, empowered and again privileged to be a woman, to have sat with you all and an eagerness to share that power. I want to circle every weekend! Thank you again for facilitating a really very special moment in my life. I can’t wait for the next one!” Ellie, Women's Moon Circle 2023

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Oct 20, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm AEDT
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1 Session
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Women's Elements Circles 2024
Dec 1, 2024 - Dec 1, 2024


Our Women’s Circle is a sacred space for women to come together. To take time away for ourselves and honour what it means to be female and supported by incredibly strong, insightful and sensitive women with a unique life experience and perspective…just like you.

Specially crafted Women’s Circles over five mindfully elemental and seasonally aligned Sundays throughout 2024.

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. The elements come together as I seek togetherness.”

Are you inexplicably drawn to a fire, the ocean, the land & trees or do you feel most alive with the wind in your hair or a mixture of all of these? Or maybe you haven’t ever noticed…In 2024 our women’s circles come into elemental alignment. Join for the journey or just one…as we cultivate our relationships with the elemental energies and nurture our connection with ourselves and each other.

Nowadays, we are sadly all too often disconnected from the natural world around us. So to slow down, connect with and acknowledge a particular element with a ritual gathering like a women’s circle, helps us remember we belong to a larger web of life. Like the Moon, the elements are all around us, do not divide us as they are present in all forms and life forces and are a unifying energy for women everywhere!

JOIN US FOR THE CIRCLE SERIES (or single Circles as you feel called)

FIRE Sun 25 FEB 5-7pm
Transformation * Action * Expansion * Growth * Purification * Movement * Change * Celebrating

WATER Sun 05 MAY 5-7pm
Emotions * Surrender * Release * Compassion * Ancestors * Cleansing * Healing * Flowing

EARTH Sun 18 AUG 5-7pm
Grounding * Nurturing * Clarity * Wisdom * Gratitude * Death & Rebirth * Honouring Elders * Rest

AIR Sun 20 OCT 5-7pm
New Beginnings * Inspiration * Clarity * Adventure * Dreams * Risk * The Mind * Messages * Visioning

SPIRIT Sun 01 DEC 5-7pm
Universal Love * Seen and Unseen * Within and Beyond Us * Timeless Oneness * Connection

Nourished Yoga, 31 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills, NSW Australia

$270.00 FOR THE CIRCLE SERIES BUNDLE (5 in person circles and COMPLIMENTARY UNLIMITED access to all our online signature circles; total value: $395.00)


Our circle is kept small to ensure an intimate experience.

All of you are welcome here. What is said in Circle, stays in Circle. We trust that each of us are capable in our own right. We will listen with curiosity. We will not fix or judge.


“Today I am feeling strong, empowered and again privileged to be a woman, to have sat with you all and an eagerness to share that power. I want to circle every weekend! Thank you again for facilitating a really very special moment in my life. I can’t wait for the next one!” Ellie, Women's Moon Circle 2023

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Dec 1, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm AEDT
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1 Session
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