Join Kristin Gore for a deep dive into the classic book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. We will read through the book on our own time, and together we will break through self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and confidence and carve a new path to freedom, happiness, and love.
This is a four-part series, each session dedicated to one of the four agreements. We will enjoy a 60 minute all-levels yoga class dedicated to that session’s particular agreement, followed by a 30 minute period of journaling and discussion.
You may register for all 4 sessions together or on an individual basis.
All sessions are on Sundays from 3:00 - 4:30 PM and are scheduled as follows:
3/9 Be impeccable with your word.
4/13 Don’t take anything personally.
5/18 Don’t make assumptions.
6/22 Always do your best.
Cost is $100 for all four sessions or $30/individual session.
NoloSol members use Code MEMBER for 15% off!
Please bring your book, yoga mat, journal and pen, and an open heart and mind.
Link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom/dp/1878424319

Join Kristin Gore for a deep dive into the classic book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. We will read through the book on our own time, and together we will break through self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and confidence and carve a new path to freedom, happiness, and love.
This is a four-part series, each session dedicated to one of the four agreements. We will enjoy a 60 minute all-levels yoga class dedicated to that session’s particular agreement, followed by a 30 minute period of journaling and discussion.
You may register for all 4 sessions together or on an individual basis.
All sessions are on Sundays from 3:00 - 4:30 PM and are scheduled as follows:
3/9 Be impeccable with your word.
4/13 Don’t take anything personally.
5/18 Don’t make assumptions.
6/22 Always do your best.
Cost is $100 for all four sessions or $30/individual session.
NoloSol members use Code MEMBER for 15% off!
Please bring your book, yoga mat, journal and pen, and an open heart and mind.
Link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom/dp/1878424319