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Kundalini Activation Light Integration with Ashlee Dehaven
Mar 21, 2025 - Mar 21, 2025
Join us for an energetic, somatic and sound healing experience to expand your consciousness, deepen your connection and dive deeper into your healing journey. This potent and unique spiritual healing modality takes you on a rich inner journey to self-discovery while accessing deep brain waves and altered states of consciousness. Tap deep into your subconscious body/mind and let go of all that you are ready to release. The facilitator will play a curated music playlist while transmitting kundalini life-force energy to activate your own inner healing power, purify your energy centers and release negatively charged energy from the body. This is not a self-willed practice. Your only function is to surrender and to be open without judgment as to what is happening.
You will be lying down for about 1 hour. 90 minutes are set aside for the session to give time for an in-depth explanation of the process and answer any questions as well as time for an optional integrative sharing circle after. Ashlee will go around and work 1:1 with each person during the group session. Once the energy is activated in you, it will continue to work on your energy centers as you journey with the music. This is not hypnosis.
This is a spiritual purification process and that is the whole divine purpose of kundalini energy which we all have access to. We are here on earth to love and serve each other, and our healing is our greatest gift we can give to the world.
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Mar 21, 2025
6:00pm - 7:30pm CDT
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1 Session
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