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(1:30) Abhyanga Treatment with Dayna Holli
May 17, 2025 - May 17, 2025
Abhyanga- a traditional Ayurvedic, warm, herbal oil massage for the whole body for 60 minutes. An abhyanga is relaxing for the mind and body and soothing to the nervous system. Dayna will discuss with each person their dosha and any imbalances to properly choose the best suitable oil. Dayna will also have your oil available for purchase at the end of the session.
NOTE: ADD ONS AVAILABLE. Select one of the following on the purchase options page to add some extra nourishment to your treatment.
Herbal Exfoliation: +$20 add on to either treatment.
(A blend of aromatherapy herbs with skincare/exfoliating properties sprinkled on the skin providing a lovely scrub that leaves the skin soft, supple and fresh.)

Ayurvedic Herbal (Full Body) CBD Application: +$15 add on to either treatment

Both Herbal Exfoliation + CBD Application: +$35 add on to either treatment

Practitioner Bio:
Dayna Holli is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Yoga Instructor and Panchakarma Technician and the owner of Yoga Ayurveda Love as well as An Ode to the Earth Ayurvedic products. She has been practicing Ayurveda and seeing clients for consultations and treatments for over 10 years and studied at Kerala Ayurveda Academy in California, where she used to reside. Her studio space is located in New Haven, CT where she also sees clients for private yoga sessions. As a passionate herbalist she enjoys using organic Ayurvedic botanicals to create traditional and custom products for her clients and customers. Dayna loves gardening, cooking, traveling, wine and exploring the earth.
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May 17, 2025
1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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