Main Street Yoga Center
Main Street Yoga Center
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YTT Module: PPT0 - Training Orientation
Workshop: Conscious Breath
Free: Deep Breath Work (Video Release Required)
Cacao Ceremony: Into the Heart Temple
Workshop: Friday Night Restore
Couples Yoga w/ Ken & Tammy
YTT Module: EYIN - Yin Yoga
YTT Module: AMSP - Priming the Pump (using the Adhikara Matrix)
YTT Module: AMPIP - Inward Path (using the Adhikara Matrix)
YTT Module: ATI - Theming Primer
YTT Module: HI200 - General Integration
YTT Module: TN - Presence of the Teacher
YTT Module: AMPA - Advancing Students (using the Adhikara Matrix)
YTT Module: IQN - Sequencing Integration
YTT Module: EREST - Restorative Yoga
YTT Module: PPSN - Safety Net Weekend
YTT Module: PPTA - YTT Go
YTT Module: PPTS - Teaching Skills Overview
YTT Module: PPTB - Yoga As Exercise
YTT Module: IEQ0 - Sequencing Integration
Dedicated Membership Monthly Class
Workshop: Life Force : The Prana of Embodied Breath
YACEP (Yoga Teacher Clinic): Advanced Yoga Nidra (Also Open to Non-Teachers)
Journey into Wholeness Series : Using Yoga & Neurogenic Tremors to Bring Wholeness to the Mind & Recover the Nervous System
Teaching Chair Yoga (YACEP)
YTT Module: TNHS - Holding Space
YTT Module: TNST - Seat of the Teacher
YTT Module: PPT - Preparing for the Journey
YTT Module: PPT - Continuing the Journey
YTT Module: EPRCT0 - Practices Weekend
YTT Module: HI300 - Advanced Integration
Workshop: The Power of Attention
Workshop: Energetic Alignment
YTT Module: IGN - Game, Jam, Flow Integration
YTT Module: FF0 - Preparing for the Journey
YTT Module: FF0 - Foundations of Yoga
YTT Module: FF1 - Foundations Deep Dive
YTT Module: EPRCT1 - Practices Weekend
YTT Module: IEQ2 - Sequencing Integration
YTT Module: FF2 - Advanced Foundations
YTT Module: HKCRC - Circling
Yoga Teacher Training : 200 hour Immersion, Summer 2024
YTT Module: HPRN - Pranayama
YTT Module: HNIDC - Yoga Nidra Creation
YTT Module: BA - Basics of Anatomy
YTT Module: TSQ - Sequencing Builder
YTT Module: IGS - Game, Jam, Flow Integration
PWYTT : YTT Module
YTT Module: EBASIC - Back to Basics Module
YTT Module: EPRCT2 - Practices Weekend
YTT Module: IQS - Sequencing Integration
YTT Module: IPS - Practice Integration
Free Class: Yin Yoga (Photo/Vid Release Required)
Free Class: Restorative Yoga (Video Release Required)
YTT Partitioned Module: PPB - Yoga Presence Bootcamp
YTT Partitioned Module: PGSG - Spiritual Growth
YTT Partitioned Module: PKTE - Kundalini Tantra Exploration
YTT Partitioned Module: PCHKI - Introduction to Chakra Work
YTT Module: IGX - Game, Jam, Flow Integration
YTT Module: IPX - Game, Jam, Flow Integration
YTT Module: HT300 - Advanced Theming Weekend
Workshop: Happy Points, Happy Joints : Comprehensive Yoga Alignment Basics
Workshop: Foundational Pranayama
Workshop: Deep Yoga Nidra
YACEP : Chakra Basics : Individual vs Systemic (Yoga Teacher Continuing Ed)
YACEP : Introduction to Kundalini Energy (Yoga Teacher Continuing Ed)
YACEP : Introduction to Pranayama (Yoga Teacher Continuing Education)
YACEP : Yoga Nidra Deep Dive (Yoga Teacher Continuing Ed)
Partitioned Module: IMP 4A - Integration Mentorship
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - Summer Session
Continuing Beginner Yoga 8-Week-Series
Pop Up! Kirtan, Chanting, and Songs of Universal Peace
Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga: Six Week Series
YTT 1½ Week + : IMSN8
YTT 2 Weeks : IMSN9
YTT 2+ Weeks : IMSN10
Workshop: The Imaginal
YACEP : Advanced Theming
YTT Module: PPTC - Posture & Form
YTT Module: PPTC - YTT Preparations
Workshop: The Power of Presence
YTT Partitioned Module: PNYW - Nuerogenic Yoga Journey into Wholeness
YTT Module: AMLN - Adhikara Matrix Lines
YTT Module: EPRCT3 - Practices Weekend
YTT Module: IEQ3 - Sequencing Integration
YTT Module: HI300-5A - Advanced Integration (2025)
Yoga Teacher Training Preview Weekend
YTT Module: PPTD - Yoga Anatomy Focus
Workshop: Healthy Points, Healthy Joints
YTT Module: AMU - Using the Adhikara Matrix
YTT Module: FFS - Advanced Training Setup
YTT Module: ESAV - Savasanah Elective
YTT Module: HSNAB - Asana Breakdown
YTT Module: FFSNAB - Advanced Asana Look
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - Fall Session
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Arm Strong, Arm Flow (C)
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - End of Year Session
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Aliveness of Inspired Breath (D)
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Entering the Temple : Super Spine (E)
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Radical Embodiment (F)
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Standing Strong, Grounding Down (A)
Yoga Teacher Training : 200 hour Immersion, Summer 2025
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - New Year Session
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - Winter Session
6-Week Beginner Yoga Series - Spring Session
Partitioned Module: IMP 4B - Integration Mentorship
Convert Preview Weekend to YTT Module
YTT Module: AMI - Adhikara Matrix Introduction
YACEP : Introduction to Yoga of the Voice and Nada Yoga and Yogic Chanting. (Yoga Teacher Continuing Ed)
Chanting: Chanting as a Spiritual Practice
YTT Module: EYMED - Yogic Meditation
Workshop: Yoga for Samadhi
Partitioned Module: IMP 5A - Integration Mentorship
YTT Partitioned Module: PBC1 - Root Chakra
YTT Partitioned Module: PBC2 - Sacral Chakra
Free Class: Fun & Flow! Yoga (No Video Release Required)
Free: Asana/Posture Clinic (Photo/Video Release Required)
Free: Prana/Breath Tutorial (Photo/Video Release Required)
Free Class: Flow Yoga (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Flow Yoga (NO Video Release Required)
Free: Guided Meditation (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Yoga Nidra (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Yin Restore (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Embodied Yoga Somatics (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Gentle Flow Yoga (NO Video Release Required)
Free: Embodiment Principles (Video Release Required)
Free Class: Neurogenic Yoga (Video Release Required)
Free: Circling Basics (Video Release Required)
YTT Module: PPTA - Yoga Teacher Training Orientation
YACEP : Teaching Meditation & Pranayama in the Yoga tradition (Yoga Teacher Continuing Education)
6-Week Continuing Beginner Series - Yin & Yang, the Dance of Effort & Ease (Y)
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