Celebrate the Full Moon in RITUAL BLISS! An hour of deep, therapeutic rest, meditation and reiki healing — in the comforts of an aerial silk… there’s is nothing quite like it.
Those that have attended experienced profound peace and relaxation, release and healing on all levels of their being, as well as, an overwhelming visceral experience of spiritual connection and energy transmission.
https://westcoasthotyoga.cahttps://westcoasthotyoga.ca/https://westcoasthotyoga.ca//https://weCelebrate the winter solstice with us on the longest night of the year. Wrapped in silks, unwind with calming meditation and embrace the resurgence of light.
Join us a a rejuvenating 2 hour experience designed to help you realease the prior year and make space for new intentions for 2025. This unique restorative Sound Bath will assist to open and release, and give way for reflective journaling.
Bring yourself into a transformative year with deep relaxation, clarity, and connection.
level one covers getting your child comfortable in the silks, and well versed in foundationsl poses, and options to learn to take it to the next heights.
Level 2 - Intermediate poses and confidence in the silks