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Make it Sacred: Ritualize Your Daily Life
Mar 16, 2025 - Mar 16, 2025

Join Kim for this 2 hour workshop aimed at helping you establish yourself in your daily life. Using the tools of yoga and ayurveda, Kim will provide counsel and suggestions based on her study and experience for setting up your daily life in such a way that you increase your self-love/care practices, acheive your 'non-negotiables', and grow in the process, both physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

It is when we find the sacred in the mundance and ritualize our actions instead of just going through the motions, that we truly discover unbounded peace and joy. When we can put our ego aside and be fully present to whatever is in front of us, we make life itself ritual and we begin to live in a state of reverence rather than recklessness. These tools for transforming the mundance to the sacred are appropriate for everyone, so if any of this is ringing true for you, consider joining us.

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Mar 16, 2025
10:00am - 12:30pm CDT
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Enroll Early $54.00
1 Session
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