Spend 5 days becoming your very own popstar or rockstar! Create your own style, find your favorite songs, and perform like the STAR you are! This camp incorporates daily dance lessons, arts and crafts projects, and karaoke fun, all leading to a final Music Video Project to close out the week. Open to all students ages 4-6 year olds.
Please create an account for each registered dancer who will be joining the camp.
A 5-day crash course in all things Hip-Hop! Experience a jam-packed week learning how to find your voice MCing, keep the crowd dancing and grooving like a DJ, express your inner artist with Graffiti, and build confidence to hold the dance floor down in Breakdancing. Open to all students aged 7 and up.
Please create an account for each dancer to register for camp.
A 5-day crash course in all things Hip-Hop! Experience a jam-packed week learning how to find your voice MCing, keep the crowd dancing and grooving like a DJ, express your inner artist with Graffiti, and build confidence to hold the dance floor down in Breakdancing. Open to all students aged 7 and up.
Please create an account for each dancer to register for camp.