Ballet - Absolute Beginner Level 2 (6 wks)
Apr 2, 2025 - May 7, 2025
Pre-registered course -
Minimum 4 students to run
An introductory level that is a continuation of the Absolute Beginners course. Adults will enjoy learning ballet terminology, technique, and repertoire over this 6-week progressive session. Develop confidence, mental concentration, physical coordination and grace. This registered course is for students who are newer to the practice, students who want to dance, but never had the opportunity, and for those who have danced before and want to begin again.Pre-Requisite: 2 sessions of Absolute
Beginner Ballet course (unless advised by instructor, or have 1+
years of experience)
6-week course | $170.00 (+hst)
Footwear: Ballet Shoes recommended. Bare feet acceptable. Purchase Ballet City Dance Corps. Attire: Form fitting, stretch clothing you can sweat in.
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6 Sessions

Ballet - Absolute Beginner Level 2 (6 wks)
May 14, 2025 - Jun 18, 2025
Pre-registered course -
Minimum 4 students to run
An introductory level that is a continuation of the Absolute Beginners course. Adults will enjoy learning ballet terminology, technique, and repertoire over this 6-week progressive session. Develop confidence, mental concentration, physical coordination and grace. This registered course is for students who are newer to the practice, students who want to dance, but never had the opportunity, and for those who have danced before and want to begin again.Pre-Requisite: 2 sessions of Absolute
Beginner Ballet course (unless advised by instructor, or have 1+
years of experience)
6-week course | $170.00 (+hst)
Footwear: Ballet Shoes recommended. Bare feet acceptable. Purchase Ballet City Dance Corps. Attire: Form fitting, stretch clothing you can sweat in.
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6 Sessions

Ballet - Absolute Beginner Level 2 (6 wks)
Jun 25, 2025 - Jul 30, 2025
Pre-registered course -
Minimum 4 students to run
An introductory level that is a continuation of the Absolute Beginners course. Adults will enjoy learning ballet terminology, technique, and repertoire over this 6-week progressive session. Develop confidence, mental concentration, physical coordination and grace. This registered course is for students who are newer to the practice, students who want to dance, but never had the opportunity, and for those who have danced before and want to begin again.Pre-Requisite: 2 sessions of Absolute
Beginner Ballet course (unless advised by instructor, or have 1+
years of experience)
6-week course | $170.00 (+hst)
Footwear: Ballet Shoes recommended. Bare feet acceptable. Purchase Ballet City Dance Corps. Attire: Form fitting, stretch clothing you can sweat in.
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6 Sessions

Ballet - Absolute Beginner Level 2 (6 wks)
Aug 6, 2025 - Sep 10, 2025
Pre-registered course -
Minimum 4 students to run
An introductory level that is a continuation of the Absolute Beginners course. Adults will enjoy learning ballet terminology, technique, and repertoire over this 6-week progressive session. Develop confidence, mental concentration, physical coordination and grace. This registered course is for students who are newer to the practice, students who want to dance, but never had the opportunity, and for those who have danced before and want to begin again.Pre-Requisite: 2 sessions of Absolute
Beginner Ballet course (unless advised by instructor, or have 1+
years of experience)
6-week course | $170.00 (+hst)
Footwear: Ballet Shoes recommended. Bare feet acceptable. Purchase Ballet City Dance Corps. Attire: Form fitting, stretch clothing you can sweat in.
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6 Sessions

Ballet - Absolute Beginner Level 2 (6 wks)
Sep 17, 2025 - Oct 22, 2025
Pre-registered course -
Minimum 4 students to run
An introductory level that is a continuation of the Absolute Beginners course. Adults will enjoy learning ballet terminology, technique, and repertoire over this 6-week progressive session. Develop confidence, mental concentration, physical coordination and grace. This registered course is for students who are newer to the practice, students who want to dance, but never had the opportunity, and for those who have danced before and want to begin again.Pre-Requisite: 2 sessions of Absolute
Beginner Ballet course (unless advised by instructor, or have 1+
years of experience)
6-week course | $170.00 (+hst)
Footwear: Ballet Shoes recommended. Bare feet acceptable. Purchase Ballet City Dance Corps. Attire: Form fitting, stretch clothing you can sweat in.
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6 Sessions