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Roots & Wings: Fundamentals and Next Steps March 2025
Mar 31, 2025 - Apr 14, 2025

with Alexis Besosa and Amy Boerner

Six Mondays, March 10 - April 14, 6:30–7:45 p.m.

Root yourself in the basics of yoga while learning to fly free in any yoga class. This friendly six-week small-group series puts the fun in fundamentals while encouraging you to leave the nest and explore all our studio offerings.

Our weekly meetings will help you send down deep roots as we:

+ Demystify what happens in a yoga class from welcome to namaste
+ Apply yoga philosophy in simple language
+ Make you a master with yoga props
+ Troubleshoot problem poses
+ Identify the right yoga for you
+ And, of course, answer all your questions!

You will also grow wings with:

+ Follow-up notes after every Monday session
+ A six-week unlimited membership that starts on the day of our first meeting
+ Suggestions for studio classes to attend to enhance your work in our small-group setting
+ A full sense of yoga’s role in your life and a group of new yoga friends!

Bring a humble heart, an open mind, and your body just as it is. We will guide you to a deeply rooted sense of connection and a free-flying, lifelong love of yoga.

To ensure the optimal experience for everyone, we have a maximum of 13 students. Space fills quickly. Sign up today to ensure your spot is secure!


Q: Am I too old/out of shape for this series? Alternatively, am I too young/experienced at yoga to learn more?

A: No! This series is perfect for everyone, and we will all support you wherever you are in your life journey and yoga journey. The whole group will develop better connection and understanding of yoga as we learn how to adapt the poses for everyone.

Q: If I already have a membership, can I still sign up?

A: Absolutely! This is a wonderful enhancement to your existing practice. You can register for Roots and Wings now and we will happily put a hold on your existing membership during the six weeks of the series.

Q: What if I miss a session?

A: You’ll still be able to follow along with the post-class notes. While we don’t offer make-ups, the series is such a good deal that you’ll get tons of value even if you must miss a session or two.

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Mar 31, 2025
6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT
Apr 7, 2025
6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT
Apr 14, 2025
6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT
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6 Sessions
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The Other Seven Limbs: Yoga Philosophy for Growth and Transformation
Apr 1, 2025 - Apr 1, 2025

with Lindsey Alexander

Eight Tuesdays, January 28–March 18, 6:30–7:45 p.m.

Many of us think of yoga as the physical practice we do when we get on our mats. But the poses—or asana—are only a fraction of what yoga offers as we strive to live more peaceful lives, with greater resiliency and compassion, and with better tools for navigating conflict, injustice, and uncertainty. In this eight-week series, led by instructor Lindsey Alexander, you're invited to learn more about all eight limbs of yoga, with a special focus on the ten core ethics (the yamas and niyamas) and an exploration of the kleshas, or causes of suffering. We'll also discuss a core text, the Yoga Sutras, and the history of yoga.

If you've never dipped your toes into yoga philosophy but are curious to understand how yoga can serve you in everyday life, this series is for you. Each session will consist of lecture, discussion, some movement and meditation, and time for journaling and self-study. The series begins on January 28.

Our primary text will be Nicolai Bachman's The Path of the Yoga Sutras. Recommended reading also includes The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, translated by Edwin Bryant; Skill in Action by Michelle Cassandra Johnson; and The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi.

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Apr 1, 2025
6:30pm - 7:45pm EDT
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8 Sessions
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Spring Awakening: Exploring the Wood Element
Apr 6, 2025 - Apr 6, 2025

A gentle practice to re-awaken and reconnect...

We’ll welcome the new season of Spring and explore its Traditional Chinese Medicine element, Wood. Harnessing our reserves from winter, we will begin to slowly invite in a more energetic practice that supports skillful action and creativity. In our 90-minute practice, you can expect gentle somatic movements connecting body and breath, standing qi-gong flows, and restorative postures to close and integrate our time together. This is a beginner-friendly workshop that encourages you to follow your own intuition within each movement. Think of this extended practice as a time to reawaken your senses and connect to a rhythm with yourself and the season.

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Apr 6, 2025
1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
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Enroll Early $40.00
1 Session
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Yoga Teacher Training: FREE Info Session
May 1, 2025 - May 1, 2025

Our next foundational 200-hour yoga teacher training begins in January 2025! Come chat with lead teacher Alexandra DeSiato in this free information session. Alexandra will talk about what she wishes she had known before she started her first YTT, what goes on in the classroom, and next steps after the program. You’ll also get to chat with other prospective trainees.

Feel free to register—or simply walk in, we'll be there!

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May 1, 2025
6:15pm - 7:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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A Framework for Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
May 17, 2025 - May 18, 2025

Trauma-sensitive training is essential for all yoga teachers, as it empowers them with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate a safe and supportive environment that honors the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their students.

In this workshop, you will explore the fundamental principles of trauma-sensitive yoga, learning not only the essential dos and don'ts but also how to seamlessly integrate trauma awareness into all your classes. You'll gain practical insights on addressing common classroom concerns, including effective ways to introduce and cue your classes, as well as recognizing and responding to triggers, stressors, or any discomfort that may arise.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a clear understanding that trauma-sensitive yoga is really for everyone, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate approach that deeply respects and values each student’s unique journey.

This workshop includes pre-assignment reading and videos to complete before we meet, so please budget at least five hours to prepare your homework in the weeks before the workshop.

This workshop will:

  • Give you an understanding of trauma: its definition, its prevalence, and how it affects an individual's physical, emotional, and mental well-being
  • Teach you how meditation, movement, and breathwork can help
  • Cultivate your trauma-sensitive awareness and help you understand both the opportunities and cautions for yoga teachers
  • Introduce you to a trauma-sensitive yoga framework—a foundational approach for all movement practitioners
  • Aid you in designing trauma-sensitive yoga classes for all your students
  • Give you strategies for deepening your trauma-sensitive yoga teaching beyond the basics
  • Give you a warm, supportive environment in which to workshop what you learn

After we meet in person, you'll have some additional homework to complete, including a review by Joe-Paul of the transcript of a yoga class you've taught that incorporates the framework for trauma-sensitive yoga.

Joe-Paul leads this workshop, with Sage as his teaching assistant. You'll earn 18 CEUs for this workshop.

We meet Saturday, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m., and again Sunday, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. (There is no Sunday afternoon session, freeing you to travel to us for the workshop.)

This workshop, which is part of our 300/500-hour advanced studies yoga teacher training, is also open to (and recommended for!) teachers from any movement modality.

$449, $449 early bird before April 17

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May 17, 2025
10:00am - 5:00pm EDT
May 18, 2025
10:00am - 1:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $499.00
2 Sessions
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