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Master Reiki Certification
May 31, 2025 - May 31, 2025

What you will learn:

-The knowledge, skill, energy, and intent to produce powerful healing, powerful changes,
and hope for all.
-How to use Reiki Master healing techniques as a healing and personal growth system
-Enhance your self-development, intuitive perceptions and create a deeper inner transformation, for yourself + others.
-How to apply old and new energies and methods to heal ourselves and others that need to be
shared: including learning how to visualize the meridian, chakra and aura systems.
-The history of Reiki and how it has changed over time
-The true purpose and origin of the Reiki symbols, and why they are kept “secret”
-Advanced techniques that link awareness within the self and restore communication and balance
to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, accessing your intuition with advanced
meditation and techniques designed for healing.
-Multiple methods for performing Reiki in person and also at a distance.
-How to administer all attunements to students and how it works
-Using the Reiki symbols for power, release, transcending time/space
-A technique for Reiki Client Interviewing + ethics

Pre -requisites: The completion of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Reiki Training
At least 3 months of dedicated Reiki practice on oneself and others
A readiness to take on the role of a Reiki Master

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May 31, 2025
1:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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