Community members have the opportunity to embody the healing power of dance in a workshop series called Dance Container for Spiritual Liberation! The class material is meditative in quality. Dance Container for Spiritual Liberation! is a collaborative exercise with our highest selves, God, nature, and elevated guides. Participants utilize rigorous yet sensitive dance material to creatively address internalized systems of oppression. Participants will develop unique methods of resistance, grow in inner strength and cultivate an inspired approach to enacting freedom in their lives through the study and application of dance practice.
About Jiamond:
I am an embodiment of cosmic intelligence. I love to speak to folks, dance, cook for folks, write, sing, and divine. Years of training in energetic exchange, under the guise of dance performance, shined a light on my clairvoyant gifts. The use of Yoga and Ayurveda create a platform for me to transform and transmute energy. I am unashamedly passionate about sustaining life on this planet for all creatures. My inspiration draws up into me from the Earth, spirals around me from above and bursts from the contours of my heart. The cycles of the moon, numerology, ancient Khemetian practices and tarot stabilize my creativity. My life is my work, I am whole in all that I do. I am built to share my gifts with others and serve God in every way I can. Bless