There is a lot of confusing information about what to do if
you've been diagnosed with
osteopenia or osteoporosis. For example, you've probably
heard that exercising is important,
but what are the best exercises to do? Medical evidence shows that
some common exercises,
such as sit-ups and toe touches, can actually put you at risk for
spinal fractures! Doing
the right exercises and making sure your diet supports skeletal
strength can significantly
help build bones and prevent injury.
Come to this important workshop taught by Joanne Fagerstrom, a bone
health specialist
and physical therapist, and see how you can take charge of your
bone health. The information
presented will be based on the latest evidence-based guidelines
from the medical community.
About Joanne:
Joanne Fagerstrom has been a licensed physical therapist for
over 45 years. After being diagnosed with
osteoporosis herself in 2009, Joanne began the research and
development of her comprehensive bone
health program to help prevent, and even reverse osteoporosis, as
she was able to do.
As a bone health specialist, Joanne shares her work not only in
public workshops such as this one, but
also in her weekly Strong Bones exercise classes. In 2021, she
released the second edition of her Strong
Bones educational exercise video. Joanne is the owner of Mindful
Physical Therapy, LLC in Lafayette Hill,
PA, and offers private consultations both in her office and