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Calm Inside The Storm-Prerecorded sessions


Find our “CALM In The Storm”. Find stillness and silence that rests within. Set intentions for calm & inner peace. Meditate. And together we’ll learn the importance of:

֍  Breath awareness and it’s role on our parasympathetic nervous system. Its role on our wellbeing.

֍  Gratitude and the importance of recognizing it NOW more than ever. Seeing and acknowledging what we DO have.

֍  <em class="">Creativity as our birthright</em>…doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the arts. Creativity is what brings us joy: being in that moment of creation, whether it’s discovering a great recipe and sharing the fruits of our labour with a friend, a new take on an old garden, or the creative way we interact, play & teach our children.  In our current global situation, what gifts or talents do we posses that may help others now? What can we create now to take us to the other side of this life-changing pandemic? What great ideas have you been sitting on, pondering? Let’s discover that creativity, that joy, together!

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