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Balance & Breath Yoga and Wellness

Kids Yoga Teacher Training Program


Ever wanted to teach kids yoga? Perhaps you are an educator or care provider? Knowing how to teach kids yoga and mindfulness can be a game changer! Practicing Yoga with kids can elevate your own wellness too!! 

If you are around children regularly you can observe how overcharged and overbooked their life is. Yoga can be beneficial in giving children the right tools to control what’s going on in their life and manage their inner responses.

Yoga can be taught to children as young as 3 years old and continue all the way into their middle school and highschool  years. By integrating children’s yoga into your classroom, studio, or daycare as an educator, yoga instructor, or anyone working or raising kids and teens, you have the opportunity to shape the youth in your community in a healthy + fun way!


This course is a Yoga Alliance certified training but you do not need to have a 200 hour certification to attend! 

Hours from this course are transferable to our 95 Hour Kids Yoga Certification (RCYT Certification) 

You do not need to be a yoga teacher to take this training 

You will have the tools to teach a successful yoga class to children after you complete your training

Yoga teachers apply course hours to continuing education 


What you will learn 


Learn Effective Strategies to Help Children Manage Stress and Anxiety
Our Program Offers Tools for Mindful Conflict Resolution
Learn Kids Yoga Routines That Are Adaptable For All Ages And Environments (teens, toddlers, families, indoor, outdoor, parties, classrooms) 
Learn Proven Methodologies and Philosophies

Boost Your Credentials and Job Opportunities And Much More! 

Teaching kids yoga can be a great way to enhance their mental and physical well-being. An understanding of child development and the importance of social and emotional learning can improve the way they interact with the world. 

This course includes unlimited access to online videos,lifelong access to online materials, personal support and helpful resources, 4 tow hour sessions of hands on learning & support, and 4 online learning modules!

This is such a rewarding training for not only you but the children you spend your time with!  We hope you join us for this fun hands on and interactive training! 

Our Pay What You Can Price options help us support our mission and keep our trainings, classes, and partnerships budget friendly, thank you for your support! 


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