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Donate to Pancreatic Cancer Action Network


Donate directly to Key Pilates' PanCAN fundraiser page by clicking HERE

or choose your preferred donation amount here to add to our in studio fundraising efforts 


PanCAN's vision is to create a world in which all patients with pancreatic cancer will thrive.

YouTube: PanCAN Taking Bold Action for Patients

Our mission is to take bold action to improve the lives of everyone impacted by pancreatic cancer by advancing scientific research, building community, sharing knowledge, and advocating for patients.

PanCAN was the first organization dedicated to fighting pancreatic cancer in a comprehensive way, and for more than two decades, we’ve grown a nationwide movement tackling the disease from all angles.


Drive 5-year survival from 10% to 20%

Thanks to PanCAN's approach to fighting pancreatic cancer, the survival rate reached double digits in 2020. Now we're working to double it, from 10 to 20%, by funding scientific research, disrupting the traditional pancreatic cancer clinical trials system with our own new approach, leading an early detection initiative, and more.

Raise $80M annually

Donors fund every bit of progress we make, so your gifts and PurpleStride fundraising support are critical to funding lifesaving research and keeping our vital patient and caregiver programs and services operating – free of charge.

Grow awareness of PanCAN in the U.S. from 14% to 30%

More people need to know about pancreatic cancer – symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and how PanCAN is here to help patients and families at every step. We'll increase awareness through national campaigns, media coverage, strategic partnerships, events and more, and we'll continually measure our success.


From our beginning as a three-person nonprofit to our role today as a nationwide network supporting the pancreatic cancer community, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network has made significant progress fighting this deadly disease.

Donate, today, to help make an impact! 

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