May 6, 2023 - May 12, 2023Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Everyone knows you can’t plant a new garden before clearing out the weeds. Anything unprocessed you are holding on to is holding you back from the fullest expression of you and the life you could be living right now. Yes, right now! It can happen easier and quicker than you think.
This could be:
• stress
• tension
• overwhelm
• old hurts and resentments
• stuck energy in the body showing up as pain and dis-ease
• heartache and/or energy of past relationships
• clutter in your home/vehicle
• excess weight on your body
• unexpressed or unprocessed emotions
Join us in this 2-part series where we will clear out the old to make room for the new using a variety of powerful tools and techniques.
On May 6 from 7:30-9:30pm we clear, cleanse, heal, release, and let go. Expect community, powerful insights, healing, and feeling much lighter. Clear out what is no longer serving you so you can move forward with greater ease.
On May 12 from 7:30pm-9:30pm we envision, cultivate, manifest, and get clear on what you really want, so you can create new pathways forward into the life you want. Expect fun, creativity, expansion, insights, and inspiration. Uncover your best self to start living your best life.
There is no more perfect of a time to spring clean your soul and create what you want to do/be/have. Join us and you will see it can be easier than you think! You are ready and the time is now to get started!
- Subtotal:
- $77.00
- Tax:
- $3.85
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $80.85