Apr 12, 2025 - Apr 12, 2025Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Apr 12, 2025Days of week:
11:00AM - 12:15PMLocation:
Resonance Healing ArtsStaff:
Guest FacilitatorDescription
In this meditative healing session Dara enlivens and amplifies
the innate field of pure Presence for all participants to
experience and receive from. She will use the natural intelligence
of this field, plus highly refined perception to address requests
for healing and support shared by participants.
With eyes gently open or closed, seated or reclined, participants
are invited to simply relax in an open and receptive state, and
allow the healing to unfold. This is an effortless, receptive
practice of being with and allowing blissful Presence to meet the
direct experience. No doing is required. We simply meet the natural
state and allow its innate intelligence to unfold.
As the session unfolds, Dara speaks the insights, information, and
experiences she is perceiving and receiving in real time. This
serves to both inform and deepen participants' awareness of even
the most subtle dimensions of direct experience, where root-cause
healing takes place.
As Presence meets each person’s direct experience, blockages clear,
Wholeness is cultured, and Awareness expands. Greater peace,
equanimity, and well-being become possible.
This healing, clearing, and expansion work is open to anyone who
feels called to attend. It works on all layers of the bodymind,
nervous system, and physiology (from dense to subtle: Physical,
Emotional, Mental, Intuitive, and Bliss bodies).
There will be time for sharing and/or asking questions before and
after the transmission.
Participants are welcome to email Dara ahead of time with requests
for healing and/or support, or come to the session prepared to
Facilitator Bio:
Dara “Darananda” Blumenthal, PhD is a facilitator of embodied healing and awakening, transmitting pure Presence to support the dissolution of separation and the organic emergence of Truth. With over 20 years of experience in mind-body awareness, energy healing, refining the nervous system, and exploring direct experience, Dara’s approach is both intuitive and grounded. A spontaneous Kundalini awakening in 2019 deepened her gifts, allowing her to guide others beyond the personal self-construct into Wholeness. Holding advanced academic degrees and certifications in Reiki, Integral Facilitation, and training in Hakomi Therapy, Dara’s work today is influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and the teachings of Dorothy Rowe, Davidya, and Lorn Hoff (who were all students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).
Dara has been working with clients since 2014, focusing on spiritual growth and liberation. She helps people clear and purify the bodymind and nervous system, creating more space, liberation, joy, and flow.
Clients often describe sitting with Dara as sitting with True Nature itself —embodying both space and aliveness in a way that allows their own process of healing to unfold spontaneously and without effort. As one client puts it:
"Dara is space itself. In epitomizing emptiness, she gives permission for your own process of cleansing, clearing, and purifying. Dara creates conditions for this constant gerund form, this long term on-goingness, this infinite game. She does this not merely by offering refuge, but rather by supporting you to create safety within your own system. Dara doesn't teach you how to fish –– she whispers quiet truths as you awaken from your slumber and dip your toes in the measureless wellspring, which of course is full of fish and bliss. Dara is boundless becoming. She will say, “Welcome. It's good to see you,” and you will feel at home at last.
To learn more about Dara please visit:
- Subtotal:
- $30.00
- Tax:
- $1.91
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $31.91