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QiGong *FALL* Seasonal Series
QiGong *FALL* Seasonal Series


Oct 2, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Repeat every
Oct 02, 2024 - Dec 04, 2024
Days of week:
5:30PM - 6:30PM
align massage & yoga wellness studio
Christi G.
Repeat every:
1 week(s)


Seasonal Series:

In traditional chinese medicine, seasons run in 10 week series. Christi Gleason's seasonal Qi Gong school will encompass majority of the season in 10 week series harnessing the changing energies of the Earth and our Bodies to bring and *maintain*  balance and harmony inside and out

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element: Metal

*10 week series*

October 2 - December 4





10 week session for Fall!
Automn is Metal element Season. It is a time for processing grief, shame, and despair. The focus at this time of year is on improving the health of the lungs and large intestine. We do this by moving energy through these meridiens in order to harmonize the system and help us release the regret we hold on to.
If your mind holds a looping cycle of regret and non-stop woulda, shoulda, couldas this class will help you to move on from the past that is causing continued suffering and help you enjoy the present moment.

In this season, we also deal with skin issues. Many of these problems show up as problems with the skin, such ad dryness, oiliness, psoriasis, and eczema, among others. Through this movement-based practice, you will experience the skin's ability to cleanse and heal from the inside out, without use of oral or topical drugs as the solution.

In this season, we will also address sleep irregularities, particularly between 3am and 7am when the lungs and large intestine are most active.

This practice will be led by Christi Gleason, MS, certified Medical Qigong Practitioner. Class will be one hour weekly, from 5:30-6:30 Wednesdays.
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