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The Lotus Academy
Yoga Nidra + Reiki
Yoga Nidra + Reiki


Sep 28, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Sep 28, 2024
Days of week:
6:00PM - 7:00PM
The Lotus Academy
Charise Freeman, Katie Gantner


Join Charise and Katie for an evening of deep relaxation. This event combines the restorative practice of Yoga Nidra with the healing practice of Reiki. Get comfortable lying down or in a reclined position and prepare to unwind as Charise guides you through a Yoga Nidra practice. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium (homeostasis). The breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.

During the guided meditation, Katie will offer hands-free Reiki energy healing. Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that uses high frequency, universal energy to remove energetic blockages and create balance in and around the body. During this practice, Reiki will be focused on the body's energy centers (chakras) with the intention of clearing away anything preventing the body from sinking fully into relaxation. This event is an opportunity to allow your sympathetic nervous system (fight-flight-freeze-fawn response) to rest and allow your parasympathetic nervous system (rest-digest-heal state) to take over, leaving you feeling rested and rejuvinated.

The studio provides blankets, bolsters, and blocks, but we recommend you bring anything you need to find a comfortable lying position during the session. Space for this event is limited to ensure everyone is able to receive 1:1 Reiki, so please be sure to register in advance to save your space!

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Yoga Nidra + Reiki Sep 28, 2024
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