Mar 9, 2025 - Mar 9, 2025Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Mar 09, 2025Days of week:
5:15PM - 6:15PMLocation:
Behavioral FitnessStaff:
Leni PratteDescription
We will be reviewing Microdosing best practices that support and nurture our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
We sprinkle short guided meditations to experience connection and healing while keeping us inspired to maintain our self-care practices.
Psychoactive plants and fungi has always been used in the exploration of Consciousness, healing and spirituality. When you look at history, you see that ancient civilizations all over the world have used psychoactive plants as part of their culture.
Stone carvings found throughout Mexico and all throughout South America depict ingestion of psychoactive plants and fungi dating back to 1000 BCE. In Algeria, Spain and Bulgaria, cave murals show psilocybin mushrooms that date back to neolithic times. In Africa, iboga has been used for possibly thousands of years. In ancient Siberia, Lithuania and northern Scandinavian lapland, Amanita Muscaria has been documented as part of the indigenous shamanic traditions.
Today, we are experiencing a psychedelic renaissance where modern societies are finally recognizing the benefits of Sacred Medicine.
The positive effects of microdosing on the human psyche are too substantial to ignore. When used consciously and carefully, psychedelics and sacred medicine can help resolve traumas, PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, addictions, mental and emotional imbalances, and so on.
Microdosing can help stabilize & balance mood, heal trauma & promote compassion, release addictions, chronic worry & compulsions, lower anxiety, fear & depression.
On a physiological level, microdosing can lower inflammation & oxidative stress, enhance healing & immune function, increase energy, performance & vitality, protect the brain & nervous system from cognitive decline.
Mentally, microdosing promotes brain health, improves memory, focus & acuity, protects the nervous system, encourages neuroplasticity, brain regeneration &slowed aging and improves your ability to listen & communicate.
On a spiritual level, microdosing enhances your sense of connection, compassion & empathy, supports soul discovery & purpose, increases self-awareness, presence, perspective & consciousness and helps you access flow states.
Microdosing opens minds and hearts to the magic and mysteries of the non-physical world, the spiritual world and the Quantum field.
Microdosing can be used intentionally to heal emotional and mental imbalances, improve physiology and ascend spiritually.
But like in anything, these sacred medicines, when used improperly, can cause harm. Even water, if drunk in excess, can cause death or water intoxication. Thus, awareness, education and discernment are imperative.
Know the ins-and-outs of microdosing to harness the most out of this self-healing practice. Dosages, protocols, journaling and which medicines are appropriate for your situation will be discussed. Preparation, integration and other supportive practices will also be discussed and handouts will be provided.
HOUSEKEEPING: This is a sober meeting and not a venue for obtaining psychoactive drugs. In this safe, healing container, we refrain from judging and advice-giving unless it is requested. This sacred circle is a venue for sharing, harm reduction, exchanging insights, ideas and information, meeting new friends and nurturing community.
About Leni -
Leni Pratte is a Spiritual Guide, Awakening Coach, Trauma-informed Somatic Plant Medicine Preparation, Facilitation and Integration Guide, Breath, Meditation & Yoga Coach and Energy Healer.
Leni guides seekers and journeyers through a heart-opening and Awakening process, enabling them to experience a deep connection with their Inner Healer using various tools and modalities.
Find out more at:
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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it ~ Rumi
Message from Leni:
Hey, I’m Leni!
In 2007, I received my wake-up call. I was diagnosed with cancer, a period in my life that was so frightening and painful. Our kids were 9 and 3 at that time and I was determined to heal.
Ironically, this blessing in disguise launched my journey of self-healing, exponential growth and Self-discovery.
This was the catalyst that led me to reinvent myself over and over again, peel off layers and release material that no longer served me, to overcome traumas and rise above the shadows, to come home to my authentic self, to become an empty vessel, a channel for Divine expression.
Although I have completed all kinds of certifications in the healing arts, there is no greater teacher than the direct experience of trials, tragedies and tribulations, of which I am grateful for as it has provided opportunities for profound evolutionary growth, challenging me to rise above the chaos of a trauma-filled life.
In my own healing journey, experiencing different levels of Awakening, big and small, came through at different periods of my life - when I had cancer, when I had an identity crisis, when I had an autoimmune issue, when I experienced a series of traumatic events in childhood, young adulthood and in recent years.
It is with great honor and humility that I share with you wisdom and gnoses from decades of life experiences, background and training. This work is my sadhana, and your healing is my healing.
Yours in Light,
- Subtotal:
- $40.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $40.00