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January Enrollment 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Studies
January Enrollment 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Studies


Jan 4, 2025 - Jan 4, 2025
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Do What You Love & Be The Change!
Do you aspire to deepen your yoga practice, begin teaching yoga or further advance your yoga teaching career? Invest in our advanced studies & 200-hour teacher training program to transform your passion for yoga into something greater. Our program will not only teach you how to be an instructor of yoga, it will help you get to the heart of who you are, what motivates you, and how you can break through into your own personal brilliance.

This training is about your life.
It is for those who dare to live a life fueled by passion, purpose and a noble pursuit. What impact do you want to have? How do you want to show up for the people around you? What is the legacy you will leave the world?

Is this program right for me?
Our accepted participants should be eager for challenge, curious and enthusiastic about new knowledge, interested in making a difference and are hungry to grow and expand. Train with us because you love yoga and want to share your love with the world! This foundational program will advance your own practice, acquaint you with the many layers of yoga, and build your confidence to help you find your voice.

What to expect
Our 11-month program is as comprehensive as it is intense. We’ll work long hours one weekend each month (8am to 5pm with appropriate breaks and time for lunch) as well as hold our participants to very high standards of participation, conduct and timeliness. 

Our 200-hour teacher training curriculum includes:

  • Advanced study of asana (proper alignment, benefits and potential risks, sanskrit names of postures)
  • Principles of anatomy (physical and subtle)
  • Science and art of sequencing a class
  • Hands-on adjustments
  • How to observe bodies
  • Informed use of props to improve or modify a posture
  • Cultivating your teaching voice
  • Confidence-building through practice teaching
  • Yoga history and philosophy
  • Meditation
  • The Business of Yoga

What Makes this 200 hour Training Unique?
We are committed to your success in the program and beyond! We will do our part to support you in any way we can. All trainings are kept small (10-20 people) to ensure that we have time to get to know you and directly meet your needs. This allows for greater bonding between participants and plenty of individual time for personal introspection, personal development, and practicing crucial teaching skills.

Each training weekend, you will:

  • Teach & practice yoga daily (even on day one)
  • Be challenged to take healthy risks in your teaching and your life
  • Be asked to question what you already know and practice healthy skepticism
  • Be asked to consider new perspectives & knowledge / stay in beginner’s mind
  • Be asked to complete outside homework assignments / study during training
  • Learn how to teach every class to the students in front of you (no auto-pilot)
  • Teach a full one-hour class as part of your practicum

Full details, tuition, payment plan options, and course catalog available CLICK HERE!

Tuition: $3,500


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Special Instructions

Kate and I look so forward to our time together over the next 11 months! We are excited and honored you have made this commitment to your yoga practice.  As you are gearing up for our beginning session, we thought we would touch base with you and give you the heads up on what our time will look like and the upcoming reading.  

Our first meeting is a Saturday in September and we begin at 8am.  

This means you are settled and ready to begin at 8am.

In order to allow you time to get acclimated, grounded, and ready to roll, our doors will open at 7:30am on Saturdays and Sundays on the weekends we meet.  Please remember, our initial practices on Saturdays and Sundays are part of our normal studio class schedule.  As such, it is important to have your belongings kept in the small studio as other students will be joining us.  Once practice is over, you will have time to gather your belongings and bring them into the large studio where our training sessions will take place.  You are welcome to bring a notebook into your practice sessions and please feel free to jot down tidbits as you see fit.  We encourage you to EXPERIENCE the practices rather than document them.  The practices are specifically designed to help you EMBODY the premises and topics we will be discussing over the weekend. Journaling while you practice is acceptable and encouraged, but not mandatory.

What to Bring

Please bring with you: your mat, an eco-friendly water container, any props you normally use for your practice, 1 large notebook to keep all your notes in one place, snacks, and a lunch.  There are restaurants nearby, but please keep in mind your lunch break is only 1 hour.  For your convenience, hot and cold water is available at the studio.  Be sure to bring your own tea if tea is to your liking!  

You will be given a 3-ring binder with lots of information.  It is assumed you will read the binder information in addition to the reading assigned. This is your binder so you write all over the information given to you as you see fit—take lots of notes!! At the beginning of each weekend session, you will be given the appropriate section to insert into the binder upon check-in. This binder will serve as  great resource for you so take care of it!! Please don’t lose it as some of our projects will span over the entire 11 months and you will need it for quiz/exam reviews!!

Our Time Together

For our first weekend together, we’ll begin by first getting to know one another in an opening circle. Each morning we’ll have a group vinyasa yoga practice led by either Trish or Kate. After practice you’ll have time to take a break for the bathroom, a snack, or to jot down notes from practice in your own yoga journal. We’ll begin lecture and discussion after our morning break. 

This first weekend, an emphasis will be placed on learning the foundation of the Vinyasa Flow practice (sun salutations), and also learning about the basic parts of the body we need to be IN and breathe while we practice (lungs and diaphragm). We’ll learn about the yogic view of the subtle energy body, setting the foundation to go deeper with more exploration into our specific chakras in subsequent weekends. You will be challenged to try teaching small groups the Sun Salutations, and asked to begin or deepen a home yoga practice. 

We look forward to our time togehter and we shall see you soon!

Kate & Trish



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