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Samsara Energy and Wellness
Smudge Class with Zelda Hotaling
Smudge Class with Zelda Hotaling


Oct 27, 2024 - Oct 27, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Oct 27, 2024
Days of week:
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Samsara Energy and Wellness
Zelda Hotaling


Join us for a transformative 2-hour Smudge Class at Samsara Energy and Wellness Center, led by the insightful Zelda Hotaling. In this immersive experience, you'll explore the unique properties of various smudging plants and their effects on the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Zelda will guide you through the uses and benefits of each plant, demonstrating how they can be combined for optimal spiritual practices. Through guided journeying, you will connect deeply with the essence of each plant, discovering which ones resonate with you personally.

This class will help you build a meaningful relationship with the plants that call to you, empowering you to select the ideal ones for Blessing, Clearing, and Prayer. You’ll leave with a sample of each plant you connect with and a personalized smudge pot crafted by you.

Discover the profound connection between nature and spirit as you cultivate your own smudging practice.  We will also be offering our Samsara tea blend for you to enjoy during the event.

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