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Pradeep Teotia: De l'inde à Morin-Heights
Pradeep Teotia: De l'inde à Morin-Heights


Sep 27, 2024 - Sep 29, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Sep 27, 2024
Days of week:
6:30PM - 9:00PM
Le Shed Studio Morin-Heights
Pascale Roy Lafontaine
Sep 28, 2024
Days of week:
1:00PM - 3:30PM
Le Shed Studio Morin-Heights
Pascale Roy Lafontaine
Sep 29, 2024
Days of week:
1:00PM - 3:30PM
Le Shed Studio Morin-Heights
Pascale Roy Lafontaine


Gratitude Yoga Weekend with Pradeep Teotia!
Un de mes très grand ami que j’aime d’amour vient nous visiter au studio! Il porte en lui la philosophie du yoga d’une façon tellement sincère et simple! Profitez de sa présence chaleureuse pendant qu’il passe dans notre coin 
Tarif: 55$ par atelier ou 130$ pour les 3 ateliers
Comme les classes seront enseignées en anglais je laisse les détails ci-dessous en Anglais:
Vigorous yet mindful Vinyasa flow wrapped with love and devotion.
He fills his classes with Bhakti(Devotion), Nada(Sound) and Shraddha(Faith)
Workshops Benefits:
.Celebrate what you have
.Create a more powerful life experience
.Courage, confidence and patience
.Strong and stable core for centered movement
.Balanced strength throughout the upper and lower body
.Build strength and flexibility
.Improved breath connection to increase endurance and receptivity
.Expand your possibilities for movement.
Friday, September 28th, 6:30 - 9pm
Prana Shakti Flow.
Beginning with chanting OM, Yoga Sutras, Mantras, Meditation, Setting intentions for practice & Philosophy talk - Believe in yourself.
Yoga has the power to open us to the love and beauty life has to offer. In this practice, join Pradeep for a beautiful and heartfelt practice in which you open your heart and leave feeling lighter and calmer.
Saturday, September 29th, 1pm-3:30pm
Open Heart, Open Hips 
Beginning with chanting OM, Yoga Sutras, Mantras, Meditation, Setting intentions for practice & Philosophy talk - Have Faith & trust the process.
It’s time to get super deep with our hip openers. This means we will take some time to break down the basics of hip function, the muscles we are targeting and the potential risk and alignment strategies so we can choose the appropriate level without harming ourselves.
Expect to go deep using Yogic Alignment principles, opening up to our energy body and the wisdom of our deepest heart. As always, the focus is ultimately on opening up to love-the ultimate renewable resource.
Sunday, September 30th, 1pm-3:30pm
Charging Detox Flow!
Beginning with chanting OM, Yoga Sutras, Mantras, Meditation , Setting intentions for practice & Philosophy talk - Let go or be dragged.
The latest Asana-centric Vinyasa practice sequenced by Pradeep Teotia. Stretch the spine in all directions and release tensions and impurities, so the process of purification that is yoga can begin in earnest. Session will include short-form Philosophy, chanting of the Om and carefully curated breathing exercises. Explore traditional and less well-known techniques with a teacher of deep experience with them all.
For information about Pradeep please visit him at
55$ par atelier ou 130$ pour les 3 ateliers
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Special Instructions

Apporter votre tapis, bouteille d'eau et serviette. 

Aucun remboursement si vous annuler moins de 48 heures avant l'atelier. 


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Pradeep Teotia: De l'inde à Morin-Heights Sep 27, 2024 - Sep 29, 2024
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