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Introduction to Inversions
Introduction to Inversions


Feb 3, 2024 - Feb 3, 2024
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Feb 3rd 1pm - 2:30pm Introduction to Inversions - With Michelle  (UNHEATED) 
Inversions can be thought of as scary but they don't have to be. Did you know that all it means to be in an inversion means,  is that your head is lower than your hips! Downward facing dog, standing forward fold, waterfall, even Childs pose are all inversions!

In this workshop we will go over the benifits, modifications, and introductions to some of the more advanced postures such as headstand and shoulderstand teaching you how to do them safley and with ease.

Yoga inversions are believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It’s also thought to promote emotional growth, calm the mind and spirit, guide energy toward the heart, help Lymph drainage, and help you become more connected with the earth & increase confidence!

If you are interested in leveling up your practice, this workshop is for you!! Surely will be a fun time! Some falls, laughs and knowledge. Sometimes we have to fall at first to succeed! We will start with a warmup practice, and end with some time for savasana at the end and maybe even a little hands on treat with some essential oils and sound to help you wind down and relax. 

Practice over perfection, always a student, forever learning.

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