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Sacred Shamanic Journey
Sacred Shamanic Journey


Nov 2, 2024 - Nov 2, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Nov 02, 2024
Days of week:
5:00PM - 6:30PM
Belmont Yoga
Allison Carter


If you’re looking for a deeper connection to self, nature, your ancestors, the collective, and to spirit, join Allison Carter for a 90-minute sacred shamanic journey. A shamanic journey is an ancient spiritual practice and powerful tool accessible to everyone regardless of faith or philosophy. Shamanic journey uses ceremony and sound to take you out of your thinking mind and into deeper levels of consciousness. Often called a ‘soul flight’ or a ‘waking dream,’ this journey can guide you to personal healing, guidance on specific questions, growth, or even a meeting of ancestors and spirit animals, If you’re ready to dive deep or simply feel a sense of curiosity, come journey with us!


Meet Allison. She has traveled a spiritual path as long as she can remember. Her clairsentience, her connection to Oneness, and intuitive nature have been with her since birth. She earned a Religious Studies degree at Wake Forest University in 2004. and studied at the Candler Divinity School at Emory university in her late 20s. Since then, she explored a different path earning a masters degree in communication disorders and has been working as a speech language pathologist in schools for over 10 years. While she’s still passionate about working with children as an SLP,  she’s dove much deeper into a wide range of spiritual practices including ancient ceremony and ritual, reiki, light work, and shamanism. Allison’s calling is to help others tap into their own divinity and higher purpose. The mother of an empathic and intuitive 10 year old daughter, she is called to create a community for fellow light workers, mothers, daughters, sisters, fathers, and brothers, who crave more space for the sacred in their lives.

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