Oct 19, 2024 - Oct 19, 2024Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Note: This is a YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider®) class. It is therefore a universally recognized (through Yoga Alliance) continuing education program for certified yoga teachers who may count these hours for their required RYT Continuing Education Hours. This training is open to curious non-teachers, but will not count for YACEP Credit.
Introduction to Yoga of the Voice and Nada Yoga (The Yoga of Sound) and Yogic Chanting.
Workshop:12-3:30 pm : Introduction to the Philosophy of Nada Yoga and Vocal Meditation; Asana to Open to the Voice; The 5 Koshas and the Voice. Voice as a Practice for Divine Connection
Chanting: 4- 5:30 pm: Chanting as a Spiritual Practice. Iris will lead yoga based chants that bring us to the bliss of our hearts desire for connection!
Registered Yoga Teachers can earn up to 5 CE hours for Yoga Alliance
When you register for the YACEP, this session INCLUDES the Chanting Session, but if you want to ONLY attend Chanting, Sign Up Here.
- Subtotal:
- $125.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $125.00