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Unblock Your Heart Chakra
Unblock Your Heart Chakra


Feb 10, 2024 - Feb 10, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


When your Heart Chakra is misaligned poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, feelings of loneliness, jealousy and hanging on to grudges can arise. In the fourth Chakra Workshop we will look at the importance and healing practices of affirmations and gratitude to help find balance in our beautiful hearts.


Unlike other workshops, I will also give you a Super Power, another holistic modality called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a scientifically and clinically proven mind- body modality that works with your nervous system to turn down the stress response. Thus empowering you to free your Chakras from blocked negative emotions (energy-in-motion), leading you to well-being.
Leave feeling so inspired, creative, passionate and empowered, you will want to come back for more and attend the rest in this series! But I won’t stop there, I will go the extra mile by providing a grounding practice and a guided workbook, that will give you the skills and everyday tools to revisit this chakra to keep it balanced.

This workshop includes:
A 30-minute introduction to your sacral chakra and how to use the powerful tool, EFT.
A helpful workbook to track your new awareness and keep the flow open on your own.
A 60-minute yoga practice for all levels of experience, specifically to clear and open your sacral chakra.
The root chakra workbook to help you catch up if you missed the first one in this series.

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