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Warrior Goddess Training : 6-week Circle
Warrior Goddess Training : 6-week Circle


Oct 3, 2024 - Nov 14, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Repeat every
Oct 03, 2024 - Oct 24, 2024
Days of week:
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Zen Heart Center
Debbie Carlson-Gould
Repeat every:
1 week(s)
Nov 07, 2024 - Nov 14, 2024
Days of week:
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Zen Heart Center
Debbie Carlson-Gould
Repeat every:
1 week(s)


Embrace your Warrior Goddess within and step into your true power!
This is a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and authentic growth, designed to support you in becoming the fierce, wise, and unapologetic Warrior Goddess you were always meant to be.
Led by a certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator: Zen Heart Center Co-Creator Debbie Carlson-Gould, this immersive workshop is based on the inspirational teachings of HeatherAsh Amara's best-selling book, Warrior Goddess Training.
Embrace the magic, wisdom, and power that lie within you, and let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together!
EMBRACING YOUR AUTHENTIC WARRIOR GODDESS ESSENCE We kick things off by diving deep into the powerful truths in Lesson 1. This week, we'll explore introspective exercises and guided meditations to reveal your unique Warrior Goddess essence. We'll begin our journey by creating a sacred circle, setting expectations, and establishing a safe space for each of you to thrive.
EMBODY SELF-LOVE AND NURTURE YOUR SOUL It's time to shower yourself with love and care! Lessons 2 and 3 will guide us as we learn to release self-judgment and embrace self-compassion. Together, we'll nurture our souls, cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves and finding harmony within.
OWNING YOUR STORY AND CONQUERING INNER CRITICS Week three is all about reclaiming your narrative and silencing those inner critics. We'll explore Lessons 4 and 5 to transform your self-talk and step into your power. Let's empower ourselves by embracing our unique life stories and unleashing our true potential.
TRUSTING INTUITION AND EMBRACING INNER GUIDANCE) Intuition is a guiding force in life, and Lessons 6 and 7 will be our roadmap to developing and trusting it fully. Get ready to make decisions aligned with your inner wisdom, as we deepen our connection with intuition and embrace our inner guidance.
SET BOUNDARIES WITH GRACE AND SPEAK YOUR TRUTH This week, we'll learn the art of setting boundaries gracefully. Lessons 8 and 9 will empower us to communicate assertively and authentically. Together, we'll foster stronger, more meaningful relationships, staying true to ourselves while honoring others.
EMBRACE THE WARRIOR GODDESS PATH AND CELEBRATE YOUR JOURNEY As we approach the final week, we'll celebrate the wisdom of Lesson 10 and your amazing growth. You've embraced your Warrior Goddess path! To honor this remarkable journey, we'll gather for a closing ritual, cherishing the transformations and newfound strength.
Join us for this life-changing six-week journey, as we support each other in becoming the fierce, authentic, and powerful women we are destined to be. Together, we will rise, heal, and embrace life's challenges as empowered Warrior Goddesses.
Our safe and sacred gatherings will take place at Zen Heart Center on Thursday's 7:00pm - 9:00pm for a total of six gatherings, October 3 through November 14, 2024. (We’ll skip the week of Oct 31). Gatherings will last approximately 2 hours.
*Thu, Oct 3
*Thu, Oct 10
*Thu, Oct 17
*Thu, Oct 24
*Thu, Oct 31- NO GATHERING
*Thu, Nov 7
*Thu, Nov 14
What to expect:
• A shared, deeply transformative and healing journey in a community of caring, supportive women.
• A safe and welcoming environment of non-judgement and unconditional love.
•-Weekly, in person, sacred gatherings at Zen Heart Center in downtown Bothell, WA.
• Weekly reading and reflective writing assignments.
• Group sharing and group activities.
• Activation rituals
What you will need:
• “Warrior Goddess Training” the book by HeatherAsh Amara (Books are available for purchase through many outlets including Amazon.)
• Journal or notebook
• Your favorite pen
• An open heart and open mind
COMMIT TO YOURSELF: YOU ARE DIVINELY WORTHY. To realize the greatest benefit- for you and the group, it's best to read and complete weekly assignments, and attend all gatherings. You sharing of yourself and your energy will inspire and elevate the group experience and your own personal growth. We understand sometimes there are unavoidable occasions in which you must miss one or two sessions. That's OK. However, **if you know in advance you will miss more than one gathering, you should consider waiting for the next immersive.
If you are unsure whether this experience is for you, email and she will answer any questions send you two free sample chapters of the book “Warrior Goddess Training”.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
$222 energy exchange per person.
Space is limited to 8.
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Special Instructions

Statement from Warrior Goddess Facilitator Debbie Carlson-Gould: Very excited to open this new circle to explore the lessons found in the book “Warrior Goddess Training” by HeatherAsh Amara. Based partly on ancient Toltec philosophy, and partly on earth-based goddess spirituality, her writings and teachings helped me find freedom to live life authentically, and with greater purpose and fulfillment. More than that, my heart burst with a desire to help others discover the same freedom! So that I might share this deeply transformative work and wisdom with you, I sought the opportunity to be trained and certified by HeatherAsh herself.”
What to expect:
• A shared, deeply transformative and healing journey in a community of caring, supportive women.
• A safe and welcoming environment of non-judgement and unconditional love.
• In person, weekly sacred gatherings at Zen Heart Center in downtown Bothell.
• Weekly reading and writing assignments.
• Weekly in person group sharing and group activities.
• Activation rituals
What you will need:
• “Warrior Goddess Training” the book by HeatherAsh Amara (Books are available for purchase through many outlets including Amazon.)
• Journal or notebook
• Your favorite pen
• An open heart and open mind

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Warrior Goddess Training : 6-week Circle Oct 3, 2024 - Nov 14, 2024
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