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Protection Magic: A Witch's Bells Art Circle
Protection Magic: A Witch's Bells Art Circle


Oct 12, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Oct 12, 2024
Days of week:
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Zen Heart Center
Debbie Carlson-Gould


Step into the mystical world of protection magic with our Enchanting Witches Bells Art Circle at Zen Heart Center! 
This October, join us for a creative and spiritually enriching experience as we craft our own witches bells, designed to safeguard your home and enhance your spiritual practice.
 What to Expect-
Introduction to Witches Bells:
Begin with an exploration of the history and significance of witches bells. Learn how these enchanting bells have been used for centuries as symbols of protection and harmony, and discover their role in spiritual practices and folklore.
Guided Intention Setting:
Engage in a meditative practice to set powerful intentions for your witches bell. Reflect on what you wish to protect yourself from and what positive energies you want to invite into your life. This intention-setting will infuse your bell with meaningful protective energy.
Creative Crafting:
Using a variety of natural and decorative materials, including bells, ribbons, crystals, feathers, and charms, you’ll create your own unique witches bell. Our facilitator will guide you through each step, from assembling the bells to adding personal touches that resonate with your protective intentions.
Ritual Blessing:
Conclude the workshop with a ritual blessing for your witches bell. This ceremony will enhance the protective qualities of your creation and ensure it serves as a powerful tool for safeguarding your space and attracting positive energy.
 Materials Provided:
Ribbons, yarn, and cords
Crystals, feathers, and charms
Scissors and glue
Decorative elements for personal touches
 Why Attend?
Embrace Your Creativity:
Craft a beautiful and meaningful witches bell that reflects your personal energy and intentions.
Connect with Tradition:
Learn about the rich history and symbolism of witches bells and their role in protection magic.
Protect and Harmonize:
Create a tool that will help shield your space from negative energies and enhance positive vibes.
Join a Community:
Connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive and engaging environment.
 No prior crafting experience is needed—just bring your enthusiasm and an open heart!
Embrace the magic of October and prepare for Halloween with a unique witches bell that combines creativity with protection magic. We look forward to crafting with you and celebrating the art of witches bells together!
Facilitated by Debbie Carlson-Gould, Zen Heart Center Co-Creator and ritual art enthusiast.
 $44 per person/set of bells. No prior crafting experience is necessary – just bring your creativity and an open heart!
Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized experience. Reserve your spot today!
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