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Holistic Healing Men's Circle
Holistic Healing Men's Circle


Oct 27, 2024 - Oct 27, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Oct 27, 2024
Days of week:
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Zen Heart Center
Josh Rawlings


Holistic Healing Men's Circle
We welcome all those who identify as male to join facilitator Josh Rawlings on Sunday, October 27th for Zen Heart Center's first program designed specifically for men.
All men can benefit greatly from being in a community with other men. They can help aid each other in personal growth, inner strength and living with purpose.
Josh shares:
I’ve come to understand in my healing work how valuable it is to foster healthy intimacy, connection and moral support.
It’s been my personal experience that we can become more integrated as men tapping into both the Feminine and Masculine in a safe and healing circles. The impact this can have on the trajectory of our lives and personal success over challenges and adversity is truly beyond measure. Being an active part of a tribe allows us to do the work TOGETHER."
If you are reading this you may asking yourself:
This circle is for anyone identifying as Male who is seeking tools, resources and most importantly, community and connection on the healing journey.
Whether you’re new or old to Recovery or a Spiritual ideas, or you sit outside of those camps, there’s something we all can gain when we band together as Men to bond and share.
THIS GROUP IS FOR YOU if you’re looking to:
• Foster new healthy male friendships
• Make improvements to your life
• Overcome challenges, habits and fears
• Gain support and empathy in community
• Build self-esteem, love and sense of purpose
• Heal trauma or other detrimental factors
• Learn to love and take care of yourself
• Build a sense of duty, respect and service to others
• And more…
This special circle is designed to help in the following areas:
• Beneficial practices proven to help process emotions, stress, overthinking and the like:
- Meditation
- Breath work
- Hatha Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Affirmations
- Journaling
- Brothers you can call / Male friendships
- And more
• Education of valuable tools for cultivating inner peace day-to-day:
- Daily practices/routine
- Recovery resources
- Spiritual resources
- And more
$25 per person. Registration link coming soon.
Josh Rawlings is a Seattle based Musical Artist, Teacher and Fellow-in-Recovery. Josh entered recovery in 2018 and has been active in his healing and service in the community since then. Josh has been able to achieve and maintain sobriety for several years now. He’s also had to navigate transformational and painful family changes while cultivating a true sense of Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Serenity in his heart. The tools he’s acquired have been shared by other Men who have learned to love and care for themselves and who thrive in Healing Circles of Men. If there’s anything Josh has learned, we don’t do this alone. It brings Josh great joy to pass on the shared knowledge and build a New sense of Healthy Male Intimacy in relationship with self, others and a Higher-Power of our own understanding.
NOTE FROM ZEN HEART: we are considering hosting this circle regularly. Your interest and participation will help us decide. We appreciate you.
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