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Soul Exploration Event
Soul Exploration Event


Jul 27, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


In this 2 1/2 hour event, Amanda will be sharing her story of transformation and wisdom gleaned from her dynamic relationship with the world of Spirit. Topics we may discuss are Spirit Guides and Angels, how to develop deeper relationship with the Spirit within and the World of Spirit, leaning into intuition to receive guidance to empower everyday life, inner child/parts work, how to build on mediumship and psychic skills, and more. These Soul Explorations are guided by Amanda’s Spirit team and the needs and desires of the group so come prepared to ask questions and lean in with curiosity! Amanda will then lead the group in an Energy infused Soul Journey; a guided meditation and energy healing session in one!

Chairs are provided and you are encouraged to bring a yoga mat and other comfort items if you would like to lay down for the Soul Journey or floor dwell for the exploration. You are welcome to bring a personal item to add to the alter to charge with the healing energy created by the gathering, as well as a journal and pen to document your experience. You are highly encouraged to bring plenty of water to care for yourself as we soak in a highly charged energetic container. 

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